Monday- Testing over Great Depression Part 1
Tuesday- Testing over Great Depression Part 2
Wednesday- WWII Project, Watch WW2 movies and do a summary review due March 18
- Saving Private Ryan, Downfall, Letters from Iwo Jima, The Boy in the striped pyjamas, the pacfic, darkest hour
- We talked about what movies you can watch and what they are about
Germany's World War II 1919-1945 Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer- one people, one empire, one leader
- Swastika- twisted cross, imperalstic flag from germany red, white, and black
-Hitler was supossed to spy on the Natzi Party, he joined it
- Main Powers, Germany, Italy, Japan
- Other Axis Powers, Slovak republic, blugaria, romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Croatia
- Other countries that worked with axis, Finland, Thailand, Iraq
- Puppet Governments, Albania, Burma, Montenergro, Quisling, Norway, Vichy France