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Feb 4th-8th (US History)

The causes of the Great Depression-

What are the causes of the Great Depression?

Stock Market Crash


Dust Bowl

Bank Failure

Stock market crash

People started investing money that they didn't have.

There was about 40 billion dollars lost

Led to

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Feb 4th - 8th

Monday - Test 

In 1916 Ireland fought back against United Kingdom. The nothern part stayed apart of the United Kingdom. Lots were fighting because of religion. IRA were good to the Catholics but bad to the United Kingdom. United States were agreeing w

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Feb 4th-8th (CWI)

Monday-Take the European map quiz, get handed a practice U.S. Map

Tuesday-Go over the U.S. map, learn the state or practice them.  re-taught how to do forum posts 


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