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Feb 18th-22nd

Bernie Sanders has said that he will be running in the next election. He thinks Trump is racist. He is a Socialist Democrate. He was the mayor of Vermont at a time. He's been elected to the Senate twice now. Kamala Harris is also running. She said sh

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Feb 18th-22nd


New Deal Programs

Civilian Conservation Corps

Most Sucessful New Deal Program

1,433 Camps

300,000 Workers

$30 Per Month

57,000 Iliterate learned to read

It Ended in 1943

It helped highschool age men learn to do normal adult stuff

Federal Emergency Rel

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2/18 - 2/22


The Three R's- What are they and what did they do? -

Relief, Reform, Recovery. - Relief for the people and getting them jobs and relief checks. Reform the banks, agriculture, industries, and the countries economy and get it back on its feet. The c

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Monday- Alf Landon-1936 Presidential Candidate(Republican) FDR(Democrat) FDR Won, he accomplished the new deal, had the longest tenure as president, created banking acts. 

Bonus Army

Why did WWI Veterans go to washigton DC?.

Took place in the summer of

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February 18 -February 22

Monday - Finished with Bonus Army 

The Bonus Army 

- Group of 12,000-15,000 WW1 veterans 

- Took wives and kids to Washington, DC 


- !932 WW1 Veterans went on strike against the government 

- Wartime bonus wasn't enough during the Great Depressi

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February 18-22 US History Notes


-It was a group of 12,000-15,000 WWI Vetreans

- Took wifes and kids to protest

- In the summer of 1932, 12-15,000 WWI Veterans went on strike against the government in DC

- Their wartime bonus was not enough and government was taking to long to p

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Feb 18-22

Monday: F.D.R accomplishments-born Jan 30th, 1882, New York- died April 12, 1945, Georgia, born into a wealthy family, went to Colombia Law school, had polio-his wife was a huge role, traveled in a car, (the early 1920s got polio), the only president

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February 11th - February 15th

Monday- 1930's continued to present.


1936 Election

FDR ran.

Goal ws to improve the new deal and return America to it's old form.

Alf Landon ran against him

Alf Landon was a Kansas Sentetor

Lost in a landslide.

Bonus Army

Why were the WW1 vetrans goi

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Feb 11th- 12th

The Electoral Collenge System is the proccess that we use to elect the president  and vice president of the United States. The states apoints electors. They are most of the time very powerful people in government. There are 6 in Iowa. They are suppos

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Feb 11th- 15th

Monday- Alf Landon-1936 Presidential Candidate(Republican) FDR(Democrat) FDR Won, he accomplished the new deal, had the longest tenure as president, created banking acts. 

Bonus Army

Why did WWI Veterans go to washigton DC?.

Took place in the summer of

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February 11 - February 15

Monday- Continued with Brocks's Presentation 

- 1936 Franklin an Alf Landon

- Franklin Platform 

- Took quick action 

- Americans believed he would do the same again

- Support from Farmers, Laborers, and the Poor 

- Cantinuing his Progress from his first t

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Feb 11-15 US History Notes


After the war, they would get a bonus, for they money they made if didn't get drafted

-  Money wasn't supposed to be paid until 1945

- Money would be put into an account like a retirement plan, most vetreans were okay with this

- Stock Crash of 1

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2/11 - 2/15


Causes of the Great Depression-

Stock Market Crash of 1929- There was Excess value stock, low wages, unemployment rates were rising, and there was a production decline. Black Tuesday was the start of the crash and 16 million shares were traded, bi

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Feb 4-Feb 8


The causes of the Great Depression-

What are the causes of the Great Depression?

Stock Market Crash


Dust Bowl

Bank Failure

Stock market crash

People started investing money that they didn't have.

There was about 40 billion dollars lost

Led t

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Feb 11-12

Monday: gone on vacation

Tuesday: gone on vacation

Wednesday: no school

Thursday: no school

Friday: no school

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