Feb4 -March7

the impact of the great depression

-  the suciuide rate went up the highest which was 20% it mostly affect people who was 25-64 years old 

- many teens drop out of school and only 30% of teen actually graduatude many kids drop out becauxe there parnets could not pay for school 

- majer jobs many farmers was affected by the dust bowl tons of factories closed down many doctors wasnt affected that much by the dust because many people need doctors but also engineers had plenty more work options 

- tons of people sold apples in new york to sell for some money after the dust storm hit 

- hovvervilles was just camps for homeless or unemployed people they would make tiny tents to sleep out of town, called hooverville because herbert hoover did little to help the unemployed 

Herbert hoover

- hoover only in office for 7 months  before stock market crash 

- unemployedment ratef went from 3% to 23% many people awaited bread lines and moved to the hooverville , he belived that the goverment shouldn't help others

- help people back to work he established the pece for  local welfare  ried different things to help stimulate economy 

- congress provided the agency 500 mill, empowerd to borrow 2 mill for surival of the banks 

Civilan Conservation Corps(CCC)

-1,433 camps

-300,000 workers

-$30 per month

- 57,000 illerite

- learned to read

- Ended in 1943


  • Federal Emergency Relief Act(FERA)

- Most Notable

- Bulit highways, schools and damns.

- Ended in 1943


  • Public Works Adminstration(PWA)

- Created by the National Industrial Recovery Act

- A large scale public work Construdtion Agency

- Helped 3 million people


  • Works Progess Administration(WPA)

- Made for unskilled men to bulid small jobs such as

- New Schools

- New Hospitals

- New Bridges

- New Airfields

- New Roads


  • Civil Works Administration(CWA)

- Gave people jobs Built many constructions- Schools,Roads


  • National Youth Adminstration(NYA)

- Helped people 16-24 trying to find jobs Gave them education


  • The First Hundred Days

- Fifteen major laws were enacted in order to fix the economy at the time

  •  priming the pump

- priming the pump- Deficit spending is when someone spends more than they makeThis term is typically used to refer to the governmentPriming the pump is a term   for spending to get the economy working Deifict spening is often used to kickstart the enconomy

- recovery- arg adjesment act 

- reform- bank reform

-relief - social soceitry 


  • FDR vs the US Supreme Court- Court packing issue

- On Febuary 5 1937,  Prsident Roosvelt announced a plan to expand the supreme court to 15 judgesThis plan received widepsread criticism from most republicans and many deomcratsthis policy would ensure that most of the supreme court justices would be on FDR's side


- Lowered Debt

- Stabilized economy through 30's

- Falling crop prices

- High production/low demand

- Pay taxes/debt in crash

 Propery foreclosure

- Farm Security Administration(1937)


  • New Deal Critics and Feelings

It increased taxes, from 1.6 biliion in 1933 to 5.3 bilion in 1940 Taxes were increased on general purchases; the Middle Class had to payHiger teaxes meant less business jobs; more unemploymentMoved money away from the south, which was the poor region then

- Charles Coughlin

- Initially supported the New Deal

- Fell out of favor w/ it when it didn't nationalize the banking system

- Didn't like the cost for coinage of silver

- Become an outspoken anti-semite

- Francis Townsend

- Become incorpated later as Social Security in the New Deal

- Huey Long

Believed FDR hadn't "gone far enhough" with the New Deal

Believed in sharing the wealth, slogan" Every Man a KIng

He used his political power to revolutionize Louisi

  • Three R's

- Relief- Social Security Act

- Recovery- FDIC & Bank Reform

- Reform- Agricultural Adjustment Act:



  •  Difference betwwen First New Deal and Second New Deal

- First new deal- aimed to stabilize the economy to relieve those sufferin Roosevelt declared a four day bank holiday the day after his inaugration, which stopped people from withdrawing money from unstable banks

  • Second New Deal- more agressive than the First New Deal

The economy was still struggling and unemployment was still high, so Roosevelt lanuched more aggressive programs to help Americans.

  •  Fireside chats- In the 1930's 90% of Americans households had radios

Fireside chats were radio addresses by President Roosevelt to the American people discussing various topics In his first fireside chat, he encouraged Americans to stop taking their money out of banks



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