Tuesday- We studied for the test thursday by studying the powerpoint.
RFC gave loans to banks, atate and local govt's, and business' to create jobs.
Dissolved during the WWII years.
CCC- Civilian Conservation Corps-
Helped the young people
Helped men ages 18 to 25
CCC members worked 40 hours a week and were paid 30 dollars a month.
Members lived in camps and wore uniforms.
Built mIlitary bases.
Funding stopped in 1942
Slogan was "We can take it!"
NYA- National Youth Administration-
Served 327,000 high school and college who wer paid 6 to 40 dollars a month.
It allowed young kids to stay in school.
Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA)
Enacted in 1933
Distributed more than 20 million dollars in direct aid to the unemployed.
This helped the unemployed to find new jobs
Wednesday- Went over 1930's topics.
Passed in 1933 and still around today.
Made the stock market a safer place.
This was designed to protect peoples money.
Estalblised in 1934 and still around today.
Made stock market mreo secure.
Aiming at supporting prices and not let prices fall
The second AAA that came about in 1930 is still around today.
Soil Conservation Act
Planted trees and they all wanted to get the nutrients back into the soil;
They did this so the dust bowl would happen again.
The TVA built dams in Tennesse.
This helped stop the flooding
Bringing electricty to the farms
These people just wanted electricty to make it to the farms.
Established in 1935
Granted small farmers and tenant farmers money to purchase farms.
They documented the struggles of all the farmers.
Took people from cities and moved them to the farm lands.
These people made sure that housing was good. They wanted to make housing easier for all people.
Created in 1934
Still around today.
This was designed to destry slums and then rebuild the houses.
This would help the poorer people get nicer homes.
Created in 1937
The USHA was absorbed by the National Housing agency in 1942
Established in 1935 and is still around today.
Provides retierment benefits.
Each person is given a social security number.
Passed in 1938 and still around today.
Banned drug labeling.
Made sure that things that people bought, was safe.
Passed in 1934
Made the Dawes act and allowed the Americans to Americanize the Native Americans.
Allowed the Native Americans to keep their own land.
The IRA is still around today.