Monday- No School
FDR New Deals, Relief, Reform, Recover
How did the new deal help, unemployed people, young people, banks, stock market, factory workers, farmers, homeworkers, elder;y, consumers, native americans, artists, musicians, writers etc
RFC- Gave loans to banks state and local governments and buisnesses to create projects/jobs for people
gave states loans for emergency relief needs, started under hoover, dissoloved in 1946 after WWII
CCC--Passed in 1933 during the "One Hundred Days", The CCC was limited to young men age 18 to 25 whose fathers were on relief, CCC members worked 40 hours a week and were paid 30 dollars a month, 25 dollars sent home to family
- Planted trees, fought forest fires, stopped soil erosion, helped constuct military bases during WWI, funding stopped in 1942
- National Youth Administration- Established in 1935 and was a part of the WPA, pushed heavily in Eleanor Roosevelt, served 327,000 high school and college youth, who were paid 6 dollars to 40 dollars a month for work study projects at their schools
- It allowed thousands to stay in school, another 155,000 boys and girls from relief families were paid 10 dollars to 25 dollars a month for part time workers included job training, it included women, lived at home
- Fedral Emergency Relief Act- Enacted in 1933, this in turn would help the unemployed to find new jobs, 1) direct relief measures, 2) provide work for employable people 3) provide many different types of relief programs
- PWA- Public Works Administration, - Created construction jobs, great example of priming the pump FDR
- airports, dams, aircrafts carries, bridges, was responsible for 70% of new schools and 33% of hospitals
- CWA- established in 1933 to create jobs for millions of the unemployed, created constructions jobs
WPA- Established in 1935, designed to unemployed unskilled workers, miles of roads, briges, builidings, airports, presented concerts and produced lots of arts, Federal one help people in the arts
EBRA- passed five days after taking office March 1933, passed in response to thousands of banks that closed down, passed four days after FDR announced the Bank Holiday in fireside cha which closed banks down temporairly
- The EBRA would close down the bank, reorganize it and then reopen the bank when stable
- Fedetal Deposit Insurance Corporation, created by the glass steagall act in 1933
- Insured peoples money in banks 1000, today up to 250,000, passed in response to the bank failures after the stock market crash, insures money in savings, checking accounts, money market accounts and CD's
- Federal Security Act- passed in 1933, made the stock market a safer place for people to put their money in, required that investors recieve significant information regarding securties being offered for public safe, prohibited deceit, and other fraud in the sale of securties to the public
- SEC established in 1934 and is still aroubd today, regulates the stock market, made the market more secure and safer for people's money.
- National Industrial Recovery Act, Established codes for fair competion aimed at supporting prices of wages and stimulating ecnonmic recovery from the great depression
- made agreements with buisnesses dealing with hours of work, rates of pay, and the fixing of prices, was ruled unconstitunal by Supreme Court
- National Labor Relations Act- established in 1935, conducts elections for unions, stresses collective barganing, investigates and fixes unfair labor practices, governed by a five person board whose members are appointed by the President
- established a national minium wage 40 cent an hour, established 40 hour work week, guranteed time and a half for overtime in certain jobs, prohibited most child labor, still exists today
- AAA- established in 1933, restricted production by paying farmers to reduce the amount of crops planted, its purpose was to reduce crop surplus so prices would go up. farmers paid by fedral government also. Many americans thought the AAA was cruel and inhumane
- Soil conversation and domestic Allotment Act- allowed the government to pay farmers to reduce production, so they can conserve soil and prevent erosion, educated farmers on how to use their lands without damaging them. Took imediate action to Dust Bowl, three years after soil erosion dropped 65%
- The TVA- Created to generate eletric power abd control flodds in seven state region around the teneesee river valley, FDR signed this in 1933, still exsits, some critized becuase paying taxes and doesn't benefit them
- REA- bring electricty to the people in the country
-Farm Security Administration, established in 1935, granted small farmers and tenant farmers money to purchase farms, also documented the struggles that farmers had and take photos of conditions, took people from the city, and set them up and have them farm, no knowledge how to farm
- Home Owner's Loan Corporation- the typical home loan in 1930 required a 50% down payment and had to be paid off within 5-7 years at an intrest rate of 6 to 8 percent
- Buyers paid the entire intrest charge at the end of the payback period in one large payment, to refiance homes to prevent foreclosure, used to extend loans from shorter expensive payments to the lower payments of 15/30 year loans
- Thursday
- Neighborhoods are so divided, due to race. Police and residents fight for rights, housing segergation happens everywhere
- Fedreral House Administration- was created in 1934, improve housing standards, and conditions to provide an adequate home financing system
- in 1965 it became part of the the Department of Housing and Urban Development and is still around today, gives loans
- United States Housing Authority, created in 1937, designed to lend monet to the states or communities for low cost home construction, homes were designed for low income and homeless people. The USHA was absorbed by the National Housing Agency in 1942
- Social Security Administration, established in 1935 and is still around today, provides retirement disability and surviors benefits, to qualify for these benefits american workers pay social security taxes on their earnings
- Future benefits are based on employees contributions, each person is given a social security number
- Food Drug and Cosmetic Act- passed in 1938 and is still around today, gave the food and drug administration power to regulate these industries, mandated a review of the safety of all new drugs before market
- banned false therapeutic claims in drug labeling, authorized factory inspections and expanded enforcement powers by the FDA, set new regulatory standards for food and cosmetics
- Indian Reorganization Act- passed in 1934, ablosihed the dawes act and allowed native american to govern themselves on a tribal basis, allowed african americans to manage and keep their own land, help create job oppurtunity, still around today
then we reviewed