Monday: snow day
Tuesday: New Deals: F.D.R. plan to get out of the depression, Relief for the needy, economic recovery, financial reform (fix stock market, fix banks), test probably Thursday, know a new deal program, RFC- reconstruction finance corporation, CCC-gave jobs to young men, build parks etc, civilian conservation corps, Pearl Harbor happened at the end of 41, NYA- aimed for young people, allowed girls unlike CCC, gave part-time jobs so they could stay in school, job training skills, you still lived at home unlike CCC, FERA, aimed for unemployed people, federal emergency relief act, started welfare payments (direct aid for people), making mattresses and pillows, not so much construction jobs, PWA, unemployed people, established 1933, want to make as many jobs as possible and different varieties, priming the pump, 3,400 projects done, schools built by PWA, hospitals, construction projects, affected every state, CWA- basically same thing about PWA but didn't last a long because it was too costly, paid the workers too much so it was canceled after a year, WPA- made work for people, artists, Camp David- official vacation spot for the presidents, officialy made by WPA, Hose presentation-supreme court packing issue, cartoon, yes yes we all vote yes as puppets
Wednesday: test tomorrow, EBRA, emergency banking relief, very first thing he did as president, it's a bank holiday, closed banks down for a short time, reorganize them and then reopen then, safer to put ur money in the bank, more people put money back in banks, (he talked about this in his fireside chat), FDIC (still around today) this one insures ur money in the bank, up to 1,000 dollars, today it's around 250,000, Stock Market: Federal Securities Act(still around today)- designed to make your money in the stock market safer, two goals- companies have to give earnings reports to let stockholders knew how well your company is doing, also prohibited things like pooling-prohibit deceit, misrepresentations, and other fraud, SEC(still around today)- Securities and Exchange Commission- enforces the rules of the previous or anything else-the watchdog of the stock market, NIRA (delcared unconstintutional which led to supreme court packing industry problem)- goes under factory workers- it established codes of fair competition, tried to get companies voluntarilary to give workers good pay, decent hours, and not super high prices on products or super low, fair for everybody, (Blue Eagle Code) Factory workers- NLRAB (national labor relations act/board) (still around today), allowed unions to have elections, collective barginning, board investigate unfair labor practices, FLSA(factory workers)- enforced by previous organization, established nation minimum wage, 40 hour work week, AAA(farmers: Adricultural Adjustment Act) pay farmers to plant less to stop overproduction, prices go up, paid to destroy crops etc,, destroyed animals, was first declared unconstitutional but eventually came on, Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act: rotate crops, leave land, help soil to stop another dust bowl, conserve soil, 3 years after soil erosion dropped about 63 percent, educated farmers how to take care of land, TVA: Tennessee Valley Authority: built dams, created a lot of jobs for people, and you can eventually sell the electricity, self-liquidating, was lots of floods in this area, (pic on bruns power point), helped farmers becaue flooding stops, critisized by a lot of people, we pay but aren't benefitted but it still happened, Rural Electrification Admininistration (REA) brought electricity to farmers, very successful, (kind of still around today has a different name), took decades, Farm security administration FSA, gave farmers money to purchase farms, tennant farmers, helped those people, gave money through loans to purchase farms, paid photagraphers to document the struggles farmers had, important because poeple in city thought farmers had it easy, took unemployed people from cities and took them to Nebraska and told them to farm as a group, didn't go well, many moved back to cities, Dorothea Lange(person with the famous picture), HOLC:(home owner's loan corporation), dropped down payment, spread time to pay off, still interest tho
Thursday: test Monday and Tuesday, know acts, HOLC: saved homes(look at Wednesday), redlining, prejudice against African Americans, video, Africans vote Republican, Democrats were more seen as racists, FHA(still around today), designed to help housing standards, help loans, allows to put as low as 1 percent down, allows for low-income people to have home loans, USHA- lent money to states to build low-income homes, SSA- social security administration, money is taken out of your paycheck and goes into ur social security account-money given back when you retire or given to your family when you die, FFDCA- consumers- still around, deals with making sure that when people buy things- regulates food that people eat, drugs, makeup, review everything, drugs are safe and real, everything labeled right, IRA, Indian Reorganization act, abolished Dawes act and allowed native American to govern themselves on a tribal basis
Friday: documentary