Feb 25th March 1st

Feb 25th March 1st

Monday-No School

Tuesday-we go over the presentation in order to study. 

RFC-Gave loans to banks, state and local governenment in use for emergencies. 

CCC- Gave help to young men, paid them 30$ a month, 25$ went back to family. Members lived in camps, wore uniforms, and lived on Military Discipline. The U.S. army operated these camps.  They planted trees, fought forest fires, stopped soil erosion. Helped construct military bases during WWII, The Funding stopped in 1942. 

NYA- served 327,000 high school and college youth, who were paid from 6-40$ a month for work study projects at their schools. Allowed thousands of young people to stay in school.  Another 155,000 boys and girls from relief family were paid $10 to $25 for part time work that included job training. 

FERA- distributed 20 million dollars in direct aid to the unemployed FERA had three objectives: direct relief measures, provide work for employable people, provide many different types of relief programs. 

Fair Labor Standards Act

Created a national minimum wagem established the fourty hour work week. 

The farmers big problem was overproduction and the AAA restricted overproduction by paying farmers to reduce amount of crops planted. Its purpose was to reduce crop surplus and increase prices. Farmers were paid by the federal government for leaving their land untilled.  Over the two years it was running, farm prices more than doubled. The Second AAA, which came around in 1938 still impacts farmers today. 

REA(1935) Provided farms with inexpensive electric lighting and power, eventually telephone services 

Brought electrical appliances that the cities had since the 1920's

1935 25% of households had power. from 10% 7 years earlier 


Goals were to improve standard and conditions and to provide an adequate home financing system. 

in 1965, the Federal Housing Administration became part of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and is still around today. 

United States Housing Authority(1937)

Designed to lend money to the states or communities for low cost home construction

Homes were designed for low income and homeless people

Absorbed by the National Housing Agency in 1942. 

Social Security Association(1935)

Provided Retirement, disability, and survivors benefits 

To qualify for these benefits, American workers pay their social Security taxes on their earnings. 

Future benefits are based on employees contributions. 

Each Person is given a social security number

Food, Drug andCosmetic Act(1938)

Gave the food and drug administration power to regulate these industries.

Mandated a review of the safety of all new drugs before going to market 

Banned false therapeutic claims in drug labeling

Authorized factory inspections and expanded enforcement powers by the FDA

Set new regulatory standards for foods and cosmetics. 

Indian Reorganization Act(1934)

Abolished the Dawes Act and allowed Native Americans to govern themselves on a tribal basis. 

Allowed Native Americans to manage and keep their own land

Included provisions to help create job opportunities on Indian Reservations which has led to many casinos on Indian Reservations 

IRA is still around today. 


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