Feb 25th - Mar 1st

 Man who people believe faked an accident about getting beat up for being gay and black. He did this to build up his career. Instead of building it up he lost his job in a tv show. Donald Trump kissed an African American women back in 2016 and she is just now coming out about it. She has started a lawsuit with him. Females are now apart of the draft. Back in the 80's they were too emotional or not strong enough. Kid from the Native American drum banging event is sueing Wahington Post for $250 million. This is because the Washington Post destroyed this kids reputation and used it as a way to hate on the president. Michal Cohen is going to have a closed door hearing for three days. He is a convicted liar. 

Trump said that Kim Jong Un is a great leader and some think that this was a bad statement because he's killed some people. Michael Cohen's testimony has taken place and some don't like what he's said. He said, "Trump has become the worst version of himself from becoming president." He says that Trump never thought that he'd become president he was only using his campain to get money. He would lie and make sure things would work out for Trump in the end. He would even lie to do this. Cohen admits that he was coached on how to say things by democrates. Roger Stone was trying to leak democrate emails because Trump told him so. Cohen has a copy of the check that Trump signed to keep his affairs a secret. He said that Trump didn't tell him to lie because that would be a crime. He's stating that he has nothing to do with the collusion and Russia. Two women went into Afganistan to see what life was like uner the Taliban. They are the only western journelists who have ever been there.

Trump thinks that Cohen lied about everything he said except for when he said there wasn't colusion. When Trump met with Kim Jong Un and they didn't come to an agreement. The summit was cut short by a day. Trump is saying that Kim is a good guy and has character. He might just be trying to gain his respect. Trump didn't say much when he found out that an American died in a North Korean prison and some are upset. First meeting they had was about a year ago. Trump was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by the Japanese Prime Minester because of the meetins he's had. A new phone is coming out in 2020 called g5 we are in 4g right now. It's already around in some places. There is also 5g for your home. 


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