The south switched to republican instead of dempcrate from the civil rights act of 1964. 2000 election Florida had to be recounted several times. 2004 came down to Florida and Ohio. Bush qwon both of these. 2008 Obama won because he won the key states. 2012 Obama won again but not as well as in 2008. 2016 Donald Trump won and it was a very close election. Rupublicans are conservative meaning they believe in tradition they don't want things to change. They also think that the federal government should leave businesses alone it's called the laissez-faire system. They think that people should help themselves and not use the government to help them. They think that you can find sucsess by yourself called rugged individualism. They believe the trickle-down theory that states if they cut taxes on the rich it will create more job opertunities for the middle and lower classes. They also like to lower taxes making people think they favor the rich. Democrats want changes in society. They oppose the government getting involved with personal life. They think that the government should get involved with business though. They think it's good if it benefits people. People say that democrats are going to raise your taxes but they say it will benefit everyone.
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