Relief (to people that need it) Reform (of finance), Recovery (for the economy.
New Deal Programs that benefited... Unemployed people (didn't have money for their families), Young People (Dropped out of highschool), Banks, Stock Market, Farmers, Homeowners, Elderly, Consumers, Artists / musicians / writers (no one is buying their work)
New Deal Programs- What they were and what they did -
Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Gave loans to banks, state and local governments, and businesses to create projects and jobs for people.
Civilian Conservation Corps - helped young people (18-25) whose fathers were on relief. The CCC worked 40 hours a week and were paid 30 dollars a month with the requirement that 25 dollars of that be sent home to family. The members lived in camps and wore uniforms and lived under military discipline. They planted trees and fought forest fires and stopped soil erosion. Later, however, they helped construct military bases during WWII.
National Youth Administration - Allowed kids to stay in high school and supplied jobs near home. It also included young women. It was also classes and training in different topics.
Federal Emergency Relief Act - It distributed more than 20 million dollars in direct aid to the unemployed. It gave direct money payments/relief to people. It provided work for employable people. It provided many different types of relief programs.
Public Works Administration- Created as many jobs as possible in many different varieties. It was an example of FDR's "Priming the Pump". It created dams, airports, buildings, etc.
Civil Works Administration- Focused on paying people high wages and did lots of positive things but ended up being too expensive.
Works Progress Administration- Built roads, hospitals, post offices, airports, etc. It helped musicians and artists. It hired these people to perform for people or to make art for the buildings being made.
Emergency Banking Relief- Was designed to be a short term so it ended in 1933 and was passed in response to all the banks shutting down. It was supposed to restore peoples faith in banks and get them to trust banks again. Eventually, people gradually put their money back into banks.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation- Insured people's money in banks up to $1000. It ensures money in savings and checking accounts, money market accounts and CD's.
Federal Securities Act- Made the stock market a safer place for people to invest their money. it had two goals- 1- required investors receive significant information regarding securities being offered for public sale. 2- prohibited deceit, misrepresentations, and other fraud in the sale of securities to the public.
Securities and Exchange Commission- watch over and regulate the stock commission to make sure everyone was following the rules.
National Industrial Recovery Act- Established codes of fair competition to make sure prices aren't too low or too high and that workers and being paid fair. This was to help get the economy back on track. The NRA tried to make voluntary agreements with the dealing with house of work, rates of pay, and the fixing of prices.
National Labor Relations Act/Board- Conducts elections for unions. Stresses collective bargaining. Investigates and fixes unfair labor prices.-
Fair Labor Standards Act-Established a national minimum wage - 40 cents/hour. It established the 40 hour work week. Helped workers
Agricultural Adjustment Act- Helped farmers. They paid farmers to destroy overproduced crops, kill livestock, and plow up crops due to overproduction.
Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act- Educated farmers on how to treat their land through crop rotation and crop nutrients in the soil to prevent future dust bowls.
Tennessee Valley Authority- Tennessee Valley is full of rivers that would get too big and flood, which is bad for farmers (and everyone for that matter). Generated electric power and control floods in a seven-state region. It also created lots of dams to prevent flooding.
Rural Electrification Administration- Provided farms with inexpensive electric lighting and power and eventually telephone services. This bought all the electrical appliances that the cities had since the 1920's.
Farm Security Administration- Granted small farmers and tenant farmers money to purchase farms. They also documented the struggles of farmers by taking pictures of their conditions. The FSA also put families in Substinance farming communities where they could farm and provide for themselves
Home Owner's Loan Corporation-
Federal Housing Administration- Made to improve housing standards and conditions to provide an adequate home financing system.
United States Housing Authority- Designed to lend money to the states or communities for low-cost home construction.
Social Security Administration- Provides retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits. To qualify for these benefits, American Workers pay Social Security taxes on their earnings.
Food Drug and Cosmetic Act- It was an act that ensured that food, drugs, and cosmetics were safe to use. It gave the Food and Drug Administration power to regulate these industries.
Indian Reorganization Act- It abolished the Dawes Act and allowed Native Americans to govern themselves on a tribal basis. Allowed Native Americans to manage and keep their own land.
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