Was Helen Keller Real?


Helen Keller was known for many things as being a blind and deaf woman. Helen found many ways to work around her disabilities and accomplish things that seem imposible for someone under her circumstances. Over her lifetime she wrote 14 books, almost 500 speechs, was the first blind and deaf person to graduate college, and some say she flew a plane. 


Helen Keller was born in 1880 to Aurther and Kate Keller. At 19 months old, she was diagnosed with a high case of at the time was called "brain fever", but now experts say it was scarlet fever. This left her completely blind and deaf at a young age. She had to find ways to be able to comunicate. One way is she would interprate hand signals that were pressed into her palm. Helen would also lip read by placing her hand on someones houth as they talked and on there throat to feel the vibrasions. Luckily for Helen, she had a teacher, Anne Sullivan, who helped her get to where she was with education and communicating which lead to her being an author. Helen Keller graduated from Radcliffe College in 1904 and later became the first blind deaf person to get a Bachelor of Arts degree. She wrote her first book in 1903, The Story of My Life. 


Helen wrote books to try and educate people about her journey and what she accompished. She worked hard to promote the needs for blind and deaf people. Her essays and speechs she wrote were to speak out many causes like women suffrage and workers' rights. Many people find it hard to believe most of the things Keller accomplished were real. A deaf-blind person writing multiple books seems pretty imposible. What seems to make everyone really not beileve is that she flew a plane. In June 1946, Keller flew a plane over the Mediterranean Sea for 20 minutes of its route. Back in this time, woman were not usually the ones to fly the plane and she had barley ever been a passenger in one before this experience. It is said that she piloted this plane with help from an interpreter who was giving her the instructions the piolet was telling him. Its hard to imagine a blind-deaf woman flying a plane which is why many people are sceptical of this. 


Personally, I think that she was a real person, but some of the things said she did are hard to believe. Some say she was never a real person at all. There is photographed evidence of Keller and witnesses that confirm some of the things she had done. However, I still find it hard to believe that she got in the pilot seat of a plane and flew it while being blind and deaf. Back then, these things seemed impossible that she even could have learned to read and write in the first place. 


Do you think she could have flown a plane?

Do you think she was even real at all?

If you were in her position, would you push to accomplish as much as her?




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  • Do you think she could have flown a plane? I don't think she could have flown a plane by herself but with a liitle help I think she chould have flown. Some of the things she did makes me think she wasnt real becuse some of them were incredable. I don't think a blind and deaf person could do the things that she did.

    • I agree flying a plane by herself under her conditions would be quite hard. I think listening to a pilot would be hard however because she is deaf.

    • I agree, but I don't think that it would be possible becuase she couldn't listen to what the pilot was telling her to do so in my opinion she didn't fly the plane at all and people just say that she did becuase they want a good figure for young girls or boys with disabillities to think that they can be like Helen Keller. 

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