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April 29th-May 3rd


Tuesday- NOTHING

Wednesday- NOTHING

Thursday- We went over the Cold War Powerpoint.

The Cold war: 1945-1990

The Cold War was a struggle between USSR and America.

This spread throughout the world. 

Back in the day, you would never want to vis

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April 29 - May 3








Cold War- A political, strategic and ideological struggle between the US and the Soviet Union from 1945 - 1990. It spread throughout the world in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Socialism- Everyone gets equa

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Apr-29-May 3




ThursdayWe went over the Cold War Powerpoint.

The Cold war: 1945-1990

The Cold War was a struggle between USSR and America.

This spread throughout the world. 

Back in the day, you would never want to visit Communist

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April 29 -May 3

Monday - Bruns was gone. Study day or project work day. 

Tuesday - More testing took place. Studied for test and did project work. 

Wednesday - Took test. DId project work. 

Thursday - Bruns started The Cold War PowerPoint 


  • A political, strateg
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April 29- May 3rd US History Notes

Monday- wasn't at school, but work day for presentations

Tuesday- Test/ work day

Wednesday- work day/ test

Thursday- finished test/ half work day

- Starting Cold War

-US vs Union of Soviet Socialst Republics

- A political strategic and ideological struggle

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Apr 29th - May 3rd

If we lost the battle of Cures all of us might be Muslim. The leader of ISIS wanted something like that to happen. In 1968 the Ba'ath Party took control over Iraq until 2003. They were one of Americans worst enemies. The US and Great Britain invade I

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No School




Kilroy was a picture of a man peeking over a wall with the words "Kilroy was here". Soldiers saw the picture and drew it everywhere as a joke. 

OPA- Office of Price Administration (1941) - Control the price of goods. Food ra

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April 22nd-26th

Monday-No School



OPA and Rationing

The office of Price Administration was established in 1941 to control prices of goods

Food rationing included restrictions on sugar and meat; clothing rationing restricked silk and nylon

Gasoline Ration

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Apr 22-26


June 6,1944

By June 11, with the beachheads firmly secured

Moe than 326,000 troops had crossed with more than 100,000 tons of military equipment

Paris was liberated in Augst 25

Germany surrened on May, 8 1945.

Yalta Conference

Before the end of

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April 22nd-April 26th

Tuesday- Today we continued the USA powerpoint.


June 6th, 1944

"D" stands for the Day of Days.

156,000 allied troops the USA, United KIngdom, Canada, Free France, and Norway.

Attacked Normady Frace and attacked Omaha beach and Utah beach.

This took a

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Apr 22nd - 26th

Sri Lanka had terrorist attacks during the Easter weekend. There were bombing in hotels and churches. Several Americans were killed in these attacks. ISIS said they did it but there is no proof. There was a warning but it was ignored. Some think that

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April 22 - April 26

Monday- NO SCHOOL 

Tuesday - Continued with PowerPoint

D-Day Facts

  • June 6, 1944
  • The D in D-Day stands for “day” since the final invasion date was unknown and weather dependent 
  • 156,000 Allied troops  from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Fre
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US History Notes April 22-26

Monday- NO School


- D- Day Facts

- The D in D-Day stands for day since the final invasion date was unknown and weather dependent

- 156,000 Allied Troops

- The Allied code names for the beaches along the 50 mile stretch of Normandy coast targeted

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Apr 15-17

Monday- Today we went of the USA powerpoint.

Not only did Japan attack Peral harbor, they also attacked:

Hong Kong


Philippine Islands

Wake Island

and Midway Island.

The USA used propaganda to get war bonds. 

America felt "slapped in the face" 

America th

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Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?

After Japan Invaded French Indochina in 1940, US stopped trading oil with Japan

Japan signed the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact in April, 1941 guaranteeing that Japan and USSR woudl not go to war

Japan realized they n

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