If we lost the battle of Cures all of us might be Muslim. The leader of ISIS wanted something like that to happen. In 1968 the Ba'ath Party took control over Iraq until 2003. They were one of Americans worst enemies. The US and Great Britain invade Iraq in 2003 and take over. We help to set up a Interim Government until they could find a better person to rule. They made a new constitution that was similar to ours. We stayed in Iraq because if 2006 - 2008 a civil war break out then ISIS took over. In 2011 is when we left Iraq causing ISIS to take over. We then went back in 2014 to assist Iraq against ISIS. ISIS is starting to fade and a few months ago Trump said we have won against them. We didn't like the ruler of Iraq to start out because he led a Genocide against the Kurds. Saddam Hussein is his name. He then invaded Kuwait so we went to war with him. We were helping him against the Soviets. In 2003 he was captured after he ran away into hiding. In 2005 and 2006 he was put on trial and sentenced to death by hanging because he gased his own people. The Iraq and Iran war started because of the Shiite and Sunni disagreeing on somethings. About 85% of the world is Sunni and 15% are Shiite. In Iraq the Shiite were dominate but the ruler was Sunni. Iraq wanted to be the dominate oil supplier so they tried to take oil from Iran.
Robert Mueller wrote a letter to someone saying that he is angry with Barr. The summary he wrote did not involve everything it should have. He thinks he did a poor job at summarising it. He thinks he lead the public wrong. Mant Democrats don't like Barr because they think he's trying to protect him. Caster Semena was born with more testastorone. Many don't know if she shoud be able to run with other Females or not because of this. Testastorone makes people have no muscle mass, and stamina, which isn't fair for the rest of the women. If she wants to continue to run in long distance she has to take medication to reduce her testastorone. College tuition has nearly doubled in price in recent years. $20,000 is the average debt of a college student. Taxes would go up if college became free for richer people. If it becomes free it'll also water down the education because people who don't need to go to college will go to college. It also makes it so people won't try as hard in highschool. The war between Iran and Iraq, Iraq didn't do as well. Over a million Iraqi and Iranian people died and it was pretty much for nothing because nothing really changed for either country. The US supported Iraq in this war. The Persian Gulf War lasted for only about a month and many were scared that there would be a draft. It all started when Iraq invaded Kuwait. The goal for the UN was to get Iraq out of Kuwait. Iraq invaded Kuwait because they were in debt and because they felt like Kuwait was perposly producing too much lowering the prices. Iraq thought that Kuwait belonged to them as well. The first thing that the UN did was condemning the action. Next we authorized a navel blockaide to enforce the economic sanctions against Iraq. We were hoping this would cause them to back out peacefully. UN then tells them that if they don't back out by Jan 15, 1991, we will go to war with them. We sent troops to Saudi Arabia to prevent them from invading there too. We hoped that having forces near him it would make him back out. We never invaded Iraq in Operation Desert Storm we invaded Kuwait and then we won the war. Iraq's consequences were that we wouldn't trade with them, they had weapon inspectors to make sure they didn't have weapons that they shouldn't have, and they made a no fly zone, which was made to protect people and Kuwait. Everyday US pilots would fly threw the area inforcing the no fly zone. The weapon inspectors claimed that Iraq was getting the weapons that we didn't want him having. Iraq kept kicking the weapon inspectors out and we kept putting them back in. We found out that Iraq was getting weapons of mass destruction from Africa. Because of this we invaded Iraq.
A new person is running for president. His name his Michael Bennet. He is a Democrat and in the Senate. Barr was supposed to come to a hearing to the House but he never showed up. Someone brought chicken to eat to call him a chicken. Throughout the 1990's Iraq wouldn't let the weapon inspectors go in certain areas or he'd kick them out only to have the US force them back in. The CIA found out that he was getting weapons of mass destruction from Africa so we invaded. Everyone think that we will find wmd but nothing is ever found. This is why the war becomes unpopular with the US citizens. There are some positives like making Iraq into a democracy. Some think that the only reason we invaded was so we could get oil. Iraq purposly made it seem like they were getting wmd so other countries thought they were stronger. There was no connection between the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush wanted to go into Iraq to fix what his dad had messed up is a theory people have on why we went to war. The war was unpopular because it seemed like it would be very long and we would lose anyway. Civil war broke out in Iraq and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi pushed for it. People didn't like the war because Bush lied about wmd and that our mission was acomplished when it was far from that. There were also some pictures that came out of US soldiers doing wrongful things to Iraqi soldiers. We got rid of Saddam Hussein but then we didn't know what to do anymore. Bush would always say that we wouldn't leave until the job was done which meant only until the Iraqi government could take care of ISIS and al-Qaeda could take care of theirselves. People acussed Bush of not having an exit stragety but he many say he didn't tell it because then the enemy would hide until we left. Many were saying we need to end this war and then Bush sent thousands of more troops there. If he wanted to become popular he wouldn't have done that but because he did the violence went down. Obama is critisized today because he pulled out too soon. 30,000 Iraqi dead and 4,400 US dead from this war. ISIS started in Syria. When we left Iraq ISIS went there and took over. At the end of Obama's presidency ISIS has almost been eradicated. President Trump says that he is going to send the troops in Syria home.
Mount. Everest is having an evorimental problem. No one picks up their trash and it's been like that for the last 65 years. 17 pounds of litter is the average for each person who climbs the mountain. Burger king has came out with new unhappy meals. Their slogan is "Not everyone is happy all the time". They're official name is real meals. They're only selling them at five of their stores. A new study has came out that says if you take a pill you wont pass on HIV's. It can stop HIV but not everyone who has it knows they have it. The US has only been adding new jobs for 103 months. The unemployment rate is at the lowest it's been for a long time. This is good for the Trump Administration. ISIS leader appears in video for the first time in 5 years. We know it is recent because he mentions an attack that happened about a week ago. We aren't sure if ISIS actually did this attack though they are just claiming they did.