Monday - Bruns was gone. Study day or project work day.
Tuesday - More testing took place. Studied for test and did project work.
Wednesday - Took test. DId project work.
Thursday - Bruns started The Cold War PowerPoint
- A political, strategic and ideological struggle between the US and the Soviet Union from 1945-1990.
- Spread throughout the world-Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Communism vs. Democracy
China: The people will get me (VS.) The USA: The poeple want me
Socialism vs. Capitalism
Spreading the wealth would be Socialism
Brief History of the Soviet Union
- Bolshevik Revolution
- Lenin
- Stalin
- Purges
- Collectivization
- Nationalization
- Five Year Plans
- Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact
- War with Germany
- Battle of Berlin-April-May, 1945
Causes of the Cold War
- Different political systems
-US is based on democracy, capitalism, freedom, opportunity and hard work
-USSR is based on dictatorship, communism, control and equality
- The Red Scare-1919
- Both thought their system was better and distrusted the others intentions
- Stalin despised capitalism
- Distrust during WWII
Causes of Cold War
- Stalin breaking his promise to allow free elections at the Yalta Conference
- American fear of a communist attack(2nd Red Scare) and USSR’s fear of a US attack
- USSR’s fear of the atomic bomb
- USSR’s actions in their German zone
- USSR’s goal to spread communism around the world
Yalta Conference--February 1945
- Before the end of the World War II, Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt met at Yalta to plan what should happen when the war ended. They agreed on many points:
- The establishment of the United Nations.
- Germany to be divided into four zones.
- Free elections allowed in the states of eastern Europe.
- Russia promised to join the war against Japan.
Post WWII/Cold War Goals for US
- Wanted to promote open markets for US goods to prevent another depression
- Promote democracy throughout the world, especially in Asia and Africa
- Stop the spread of communism
- Policy of Containment
Post WWII/Cold War Goals for the USSR
- Wanted to create greater security for itself
-lost tens of millions of people in WWII and Stalin’s purges
-feared a strong Germany
- Establish defensible borders
- Encourage friendly governments on its borders
- Spread communism around the world
Key Terms
- Iron Curtain Speech
- Domino Theory(Effect)
- Policy of Containment
- Truman Doctrine
- Marshall Plan
- Brinkmanship
- Massive retaliation/Mutual Deterrence/Mutual Assured Destruction
- NATO vs. Warsaw Pact
- CIA vs. KGB
- Peaceful coexistence
- De-Stalinization
- Detente
- Perestroika
- Glasnost
- Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 1963
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 1968
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks(Treaty)-1972
- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty 1972
- Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty-1996
- Missile Defense System
Truman Doctrine
- In 1947, the British were helping the Greek government fight against communists
- They appealed to America for aid
- Greece received large amounts of weapons and supplies from US
- By 1949, the communists were defeated
Marshall Plan
- In 1947, the US announced the Marshall Plan
- This was a massive economic aid plan for Europe to help it recover from WWII
- Two Goals:
- Helping Europe to recover economically would provide markets for American goods, helping American industry
- A prosperous Europe would be better able to resist the spread of communism
- In 1949 the Western nations formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to co-ordinate their defense against the USSR
- NATO was a defensive alliance
- This was the first peacetime alliance in US history
- It consisted of:
-America, Canada, Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal, Denmark, Norway and Italy
- Still around today and has expanded
- Central Intelligence Agency-1947-Present
- Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti
- Committee for State Security
- 1954-1991
Perestroika and Glasnost-1985
- Perestroika-Restructuring of the Soviet economy and political system
- More democracy
- Free elections
- Glasnost-More openness of the Soviet government and for it’s people
- Free speech and press