April 22nd-April 26th

Tuesday- Today we continued the USA powerpoint.


June 6th, 1944

"D" stands for the Day of Days.

156,000 allied troops the USA, United KIngdom, Canada, Free France, and Norway.

Attacked Normady Frace and attacked Omaha beach and Utah beach.

This took about 5 days to get control of the beach head

Took 2 months to get to Paris. 

Took almost a year 11 months for Germany to surrender. 

Final stage of WW2

FDR dies and Truman is President

USA Homefront

The USA did a lot to help the war end

People needed to cut back on stuff they used.

You are not to spread negative thoughts

Do not spread rumors.

Women needed to step up and take the mens jobs.

Women wanted to be nurses so they could travel the world. 



This was estailblished to ration many things.

People didn't want to waste things because we need to supply our army,

Food and gas were rationed.

Many people were faking the rationing.

Black market activity was popular.

People really pushed for saving rubber.

B and A stickers were popular.

A stickers gave 3 gallons of gas per week,

B stickers were given 8 gallons of gas per week.

"C" ration.

This was given to peope that need to travel to different towns and cities.

T stickers were given to truckers, they got unlimited gas.

X sticker gave bussniess men unlimited gas.

Once your food stamps were gone, you couldn't get anything.

Could not give stamps away.

War Finance Committee

This got people to buy war bonds.

If you give the government, you can make intrest on it.

Japanese Internment Camps.

This is where the USA would gather the Japanese people and were sent to these camps.

This took away their rights.

After WW2 there were 17 million jobs created.

Middle class greatly expanded. 

Things were going pretty well.

The tax went down form 90% to 40%

WW2 had the most deaths in the history of all wars,



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