Sri Lanka had terrorist attacks during the Easter weekend. There were bombing in hotels and churches. Several Americans were killed in these attacks. ISIS said they did it but there is no proof. There was a warning but it was ignored. Some think that this is retaliation from the shootings that happened in New Zealand in a Muslim church. The redacted Muller report came out. Some pages almost all the way. The Whitehouse had nothing to do with what was redacted. 7.25% of the report is redacted. The mosst redacted area was the one revolving around Russia hacking social media. They redacted it because it would harm on going matters, it reveals investigative techniques, it reveals private information of third party members, and it was abtained by jury things which has to be redacted by law. We knew there was no collusing and obstrunction didn't have enough evidence. President Trump tried to fire Muller but the person he sent to do it said no and resigned. If he followed threw it could've been obstruction of justice. Bernie Sanders says that impeaching the president would be a bad idea for democrats because it would take away from other things. Everything will just be around Trump instead of other things that democrats care about. Short term affects of 9/11 were delaying sports events and comedian talk shows stopped for awhile. Lots were panicking. Video games had to either stop being made or were changed. Long term affects are airports. If you were anti-communists America would team up with you. In a way America built up al-Qaeda because of this. We did the same with the Taliban.
Before 9 am is when the first plane crashed into the twin towers. Seventeen minutes later the second plane crashed. The south tower collapsed at 9:59 am and 29 minutes later the north tower fell. 2,606 were killed in New York, including fire fighters, workers, and citizens. At 9:37 am the Pentagon was hit. It was hit in the western portion. It killed 189 people. At 10:03 am the fourth plane crashed into a field. People think it was going to the capital or the Whitehouse. The plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania because the crew overtook the highjacker. It took months to clean up the rubble. The first several day was about finding people. There was a lot of relief efforts to help the situation. In all 2,996 people died including the highjackers. Only 1,629 were identified. This was the largest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. 3,000 children lost one of their parents. 20% of Americans knew someone who was either hurt or killed. Nearly 150,000 jobs were lost. 7 in 10 Americans said they felt depressed a year after the attack. Lots of events were postponed. National parks were closed as well. Movies and TV shows and video games had to be delayed or canceled. Airports closed for a few days and more sercurity was added. The Patriot Act was passed where they could see keywords and dig deeper into those conversations or things. As 9/11 was further into the past people started to hate this Act more because they didn't like being spied on. This led to waterboarding by the CIA at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Bush said that it wasnt torture but others say he's a war criminal. Then the War in Afghanistan started. The US had the rigth to secure itseld against countries that harbor or give aid to terrorist groups, was something that President George W. Bush put into place. It was called the Bush Doctrine.
Joe Biden is now running to become President of the United States. The Patriot act says that people are allowed to spy on people that they belive are terrorists or are planning an attack. Police from the act are allowed to break into people's houses while they aren't home to find evidence without a warrent. Some say that it can help prevent terrorist attacks. It's done more to stop drug dealers than terrorists. People don't like how it's made for terrorists and they're using it for drug dealers. It breaks the 1st and 4th amendments. Most people don't have anything to say about terrorists so it shouldn't affect people.
The 90's in America nothing really went wrong. We weren't at war or having any crisis'. The men who crashed the planes were from America and were trained by American's to fly planes. When 9/11 happened we suddenly had something to worry about. George W. Bush wanted to be the education president. He put something in place that forced schools to not leave any student behind. A leader should always stay calm during bad situations. Secret Service didn't let Bush go back because they wanted to protect him. To make sure another attack didn't happen they forced all planes down. If the pilot didn't agree they would shoot them down. When the plane crashed in the field Bush thought it was because of his order but it wasn't from that. He went back to Washington so he could give his speech even though they didn't want him too. His speech talked about mourning and bloodlust for those people. President Bush didn't blame the CIA because they got a lot of their power was taken away from them and also if you'd blame the CIA it wouldn't do anything. It wasnt about pointing fingers it was about making sure this didn't happen again. Bush felt greatful and closure for the death of Bin Laden. The measels outbreak is the largest it's been since eliminated in 2010. THere has been a large outbreak in New York City and Portland, Washington. There has been false information spread about vaccines on Social Media. The measels vaccine is one of the most affective vaccine and people aren't getting it. Colleges are quaranating people from this because it is one of the most contagous viruses.