April 29th-May 3rd


Tuesday- NOTHING

Wednesday- NOTHING

Thursday- We went over the Cold War Powerpoint.

The Cold war: 1945-1990

The Cold War was a struggle between USSR and America.

This spread throughout the world. 

Back in the day, you would never want to visit Communist countries. 

This was seen as a "chess match".

Democracy- It is ran byt the people, where they elect the president to make laws for them.

Capitalism- The people own the bussinesses, the government does not.

Communism- The government has all the power. Very strict rules. Ruled by and "Iron Fist"

Socialism- Something that is paid for by the government. Or owns something. 

Friday- We went over the cold war powerpoint.

The "west" was the western hemisphere.

The "east" was eastern Europe. Communist countries. 

The goals for the United States.

The main goal was to stop the spread of Communism.

Also, they wanted to open markets for US goods to prevent another depession.

USSR goals:

The main goal was to spread Communism around the world.

Encourage its borders to be communist.

Winston Chruchill believed that there was an "Iron Curtain" seperating parts of Europe.

USA has to stop Communism in one coutry and then all the others will fall.

The Truman Doctrine

Greece was fighting against the Communists along with the British.

The USA then sent money and military supplies to them to help them defeat the Communists.

Marshall Plan

He had a lot of power.

Help the Europe economy recover.

This would allow the coutry to be less likely to turn Communist.







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