Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?
After Japan Invaded French Indochina in 1940, US stopped trading oil with Japan
Japan signed the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact in April, 1941 guaranteeing that Japan and USSR woudl not go to war
Japan realized they needed US trade to be successful in war
Only way to force US' hand was to hit them hard in a surprise attack, forcing them out of the war
Japan knew that this plan was a huge risk, but thought it was the only to defeat the US
Plan backfired. Instead, Japan "Woke a sleeping giant"
First Turning Point
Battle of Coral Sea
Battle ended in a stalemate
Battle of Midway
We did well because we had broken Japanese Code
We lost much less than Japan did, and we did not lose much else after this battle.
Japanese(Aerial Suicide Bombers)
Bataan Death March
A huge japanese war crime, they forced thousands of of POWs to march 64 miles, in which thousands of POWs died
Doolitle's Raid
An attack ordered by Roosevelt, in which it was a mainland attack on Japan, which did not go well, but it was meant to raise morale for our troops and people.
A huge win on the US, which resulted in thousands of Japanese dead, which was largely because they would fight to the death.
Battle of Leyte Gulf
A huge win for the US, we largely outnumbered them, and they lost close to one hundred ships, and over 300 planes
Iwo Jima
A decisive battle in the Pacific, the Japanese had dug deep into the mountain and other locations
Location of the famouns flag rasing at Mt. Suribachi
6800+ US Deaths
The Marines who raised the flag would be wisked away.
Over 18000+ Japanese Deaths
A battle of one the Japanese Islands
US loss 20,195
Japanese Loss 77,000-110,000
40,000-150,000 Civilians Killed
Operation Downfall
Planned invasion of the Japanese Mainland
Planned for October 1945
Estimated 1 Million Casualties
Estimated to have 267,000 Deaths
Potsdam Conference(July,1945)
Announced the terms for Japan's surrender
Between Great Britain, Soviet Union and the United States
"We will not deviate from them. There are no alternatives"
Would dismantle the current government fo Japan(Excluding Emperor Hirohito)
The Allies(US) would occupy Japan
Japan will consist only of the major islands(Honshu, Hokkaido,Kyushu,Shikoku)
Japanese Military Forces will be disarmed and turned home
There will be war crimes trials for the atrocities commited by Japan throughout WWII
Democracy will be promoted as well as freedom of speach, religion, and of thought, as well as respect for fundamental human rights(Universal Delcaration of Human Rights-1948)
Japan will be allowed to have industry so they can make money to pay for reparations. World trade will be enabled at some point
Allied(US) occupation of Japan(1945-1952) will end once Japan accomplishes all the above points.
The Manhattan Project
Led by J. Robert Oppenheimer
The code name for the Atomic Bomb creation
The bombs themselves killed 214,000+ People
Trinity Test(July 16th, 1945)
The first test of the Atomic Bomb
People were told by the Military that it was an ammunition dump explosion
Enola Gay-The plane which carried that Little Boy bomb, pilotted by Paul Tibetts
Bockscar-the plane which carried the "Fat Man" (Plutonium Bomb)Piloted by Chuck Sweeney