April 22nd-26th

Monday-No School



OPA and Rationing

The office of Price Administration was established in 1941 to control prices of goods

Food rationing included restrictions on sugar and meat; clothing rationing restricked silk and nylon

Gasoline Rationing-5 gallons per week; used to save rubber, not gas

A black market was used in stolen/counterfeit sitckers that were used in up to 30% of gasoline sales 

By 1945, there were 32,500 motorists arrested for using false stickers, 1300 convictions, 4000 gas stations closed. 

The A sticker was the most common of the WW2 stickers, and it gave 3 gallons of gas per week 

The B sticker was given to business owners, and it gave 8 gallons of gas per week 

The C sticker was given to construction workers, school teachers, ministers, Members of the Armed forces

The M sticker was given to Mail deliverers 

The T sticker was given to truckers 

The X sticker was given to other jobs that had high mileage

War Production board-encouraged people to mass produce

War Finance Commitee

Over the course of the war 85 million ameircans bought war bons totaling aproximately 185 billion

Helped pay for the War

It was an investment for US citizens

As low as 18.75 per bond

Ten years later the Gov't paid $25

Japanese Internment Camps

Most Japanese Citizens lived on the West Coast, and the gov't would invade their houses and take anything they found innapropriate, where they would be put in internment camps 

This was because the U.S. did not trust Japanese Citizens in fear of an attack on U.S. soil

It was not a death camp, nor slave labor but paid people and gave children schooling

Effects of WWII on US

Stimulated economy

  • 17 Million Jobs created
  • Middle Class greatly expanded 
  • Average Wages increased 30%

Federal Power during the war increased

Shifted from state laws to federal laws- important during civil rights era and Vietnam War 

More Women involved in the workforce

More rights for African Americans-integrated troops 




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