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April 15-May 17

4-15-4-19 Pearl harbor, why did japan attack pearl harbor. After japan invaded french indochina in 1940 us stopped trading oil with japan. Japan signed the soviet japanese neutrality pact in april 1941 guaranteeing that japan and ussr would not go to

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May 13-May 17


Tuesday-test/ 90's notes

OJ Simpson cases



Metal Gear

Wednesday-90's notes



Michael Jackson

Whitney Houston

Snoop Dogg


Hummer H1

McLaren F1


David Robinson

Karl Malone

Michael Jordan

Scottie Pippen

Clyde Drexler


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5/13-5/17 US History Notes

Monday- I was gone


-1980 Election- Ronald Reagen won over Jimmy Carter 489-19 The ecnomy was weak

-1988 George HW Bush won 426-111 Democrat Micheal Dukakis

-Ecnonomy was stronger stick with republican as they are doing well

-Civil Right Events

- 1

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5/13/19 - 5/17/19


Fiddel Castro was the Cuban Dictator that was terrible to his people and basically allowed the US to take over the country economically.

Bay of Pigs Invasion- Failed. It was when the US sent Cuban troops to try and get rid of Castro. They refused

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May 13th- May 17th


Bay of Pigs Invasion

Kenedy thought that no one would find out about this so he cancelled the air support.

USA thought mosy Cubans hated Castro.

The Cuban military demolished the USA.

CIA- Castro must go

Castro survived 638 assassination attempts


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May 13th - 17th

Trump has placed even more tariff's on China. We are in a trade war with China causing things from China to cost more and for things in America to cost more in China. The tariff is going frm 10% to 25%. If you own an IPhone you can sue Apple because

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May 13 - May 17

Monday - Bruns talked about the Video that we watched on Friday.

Tuesday - 

  • Presidents in the 80s

    • Ronald Reagan

    • George H. W. Bush

  • Assassination Attempts

    • Ronald Reagan was shot in the chest by John Hinckley Jr.

  • Scandals

    • Gary Hart Scandal:

      • Close to running for

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May 6 to May 10

Monday - Presented 1960's PowerPoint 

Tuesday - Continued our 1960's PowerPoint

Wednesday- NO SCHOOL 

Thursday - Finished 1960's Power Point 

Friday- Watched A video

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May 6th-May 10th

Monday- We went over the 1960's presentation. 


Democrat- John F. Kennedy.

Republican- Richard Nixon.

JFK won with 303 to 291 votes.

Cuban Missle Crisis.

The USA barracaded Cuba when they were trying to bring missles in.

Assaination of JFK

Driving thr

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5 / 6-10




John F Kennedy was a democrat that ran against Richard Nixon. Lyndon B. Johnson was a Democrat that ran against Barry M. Goldwater in 1964. Richard M. Nixon ran against Hubert H. Humphrey and a third party- George C. Wallace- i

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May 6-10

Monday- 60's Notes

Democrat-John F. Kennedy

VP-Lyndon B. Johnson

Republican- Richad Nixon

VP- Henry Lodge

Kennedy won

FIrst election that was on tv.

Cuban Missile Crisis- A 13 day standoff between Soivet Union and US. Ended

Assassination of JFK

Lee Harvey Osw

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May 6th-10th

Georgia has passed a new abortion law stating that you can't abort the baby if it has a heartbeat. The consitution says that women have the right to abortion. President Trump still hasn't given out his tax returns and it may go to the supreme court.

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May 6-10 US History Notes


-Birmingham Bombings 1963, September 15, 1963

- Several injuries over 20, had suspects but not enough evidence, KKK

-March on Washington- August 28, 1963

- I have a dream speech 17 minutes, Freedom, Brotherhood

-Civil Rights Acts of 1964

- Segergati

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