US History Notes April 22-26

Monday- NO School


- D- Day Facts

- The D in D-Day stands for day since the final invasion date was unknown and weather dependent

- 156,000 Allied Troops

- The Allied code names for the beaches along the 50 mile stretch of Normandy coast targeted for landing were Utah, Omaha, Gold Juno and Sword

- Omaha was ther costliest beach in terms of Allied causualties

- By June 11 with the beachheads firmly secured

- More than 326,000 troops had crosses with more than 100,000 tons of military equipment

- Paris was liberated on August 25

- Germany surrendered May 8, 1945

-Yalta Confrence Fed 1945

- Before the end of the war Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt met at Yalta to plan what should happen after war

- 1. The Establishment of the United Nations

- 2. Germany to be divided into four zones

- 3. Free Elections allowed in the states of eastern Europe

- 4. USSR promised to join the war against Japan

- FDR Dies. Harry Truman is sworn in April 12 1945

- The US Homefront

- Women in WW2- Represented women workers in WWII

- Housewives and many women were Nurses

- Farmworkers, typists , waitresses, bus drivers, time keepers, messenagers, teachers, conductores, taxi drivers

- WAVES- Women's Navy, telephone operatators

- WASP- Air Force

- Hollywood and WWII

- Bob Hope and the USO (United Service Organazations Tour)

- Comedians, Actors, Actresses, Singers

- John Wayne

- Kilroy Engraving on everything

- Cartoons- buy war bonds

-Looney Toons

-OPA and Rationing

- The Office of Price administration was established in 1941 to control prices of goods

- Food rationing included restrictions on sugar and meat clothing rationing restricted silk and nylon

- Gasoline Rationing began in May 1942 five gallons per week

- Gas rationing was about saving rubber not gas



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