5Jack replied to 5brett's discussion Does Kamala Harris win if she was elected for the Democrats earlier?
"I don't think that Kamala would've won. Many people did not like the things that Joe biden did as president. When they don't like the things that one president does, they are more likely to vote for the other party during the next election. "
5Jack replied to 5Aubrie's discussion Should Animal Testing be Prohibited?
"I agree, we should not make them suffer for our benefit. This testing can be done many otherways that does not include hurting animals. This helps us do many things but it is not worth hurting the animals when they didn't do anything wrong."
5Jack replied to 5Aubrie's discussion Should Animal Testing be Prohibited?
"I think that animal testing is no longer needed. We have very modern technology now, that can be used to do many more things than people believe. This would be the same way, I think that we could find someway to do this using technology. "
5Jack replied to 5Jackson's discussion Man $400,000 Bet Ripped Away From Him!
"I think that he should sue. I know that the app is supposed to give you your money back if you bet on a player to get a certain stat in a game and they don't play. This should be the same thing where he should get his money back. He should win if he…"
5Jack replied to 5Jackson's discussion Man $400,000 Bet Ripped Away From Him!
"It is unfair, but he needs to be aware of the risks of doing these types of things. I don't think that he should bet that type of money in the first place. He needs to be more aware about the risks with betting and needs to make better decisions in…"
5Jack replied to 5Jack's discussion Should there be age restrictions on social media?
"I agree with you, I think that the parents should get more say in what there kid does on social media. But, that is not always too reliable, they could be doing something behind your back. "
Mar 21
5Jack replied to 5Jack's discussion Should there be age restrictions on social media?
"I disagree with you a little bit. I think that we should have some age restrictions on social media. I wouldn't want my 5 year old scrolling on tiktok. "
Mar 21
5Jack replied to 5Jack's discussion Should there be age restrictions on social media?
"I agree, I know that I personally get a lot of news off of social media, and I imagine others do as well. "
Mar 20
5Jack replied to 5Jack's discussion Should there be age restrictions on social media?
"I agree when you said, it is kind of like running a business. Teenagers can learn, the more they put into the app the more they will get out of it. This will be helpful to teenagers that might want to start their own business someday. "
Mar 20
5Jack replied to 5Jack's discussion Should there be age restrictions on social media?
"I agree with you, I know that I have learned things on social media. Social media can teach you very important life skills that can help you in the long run. "
Mar 20
5Jack replied to 5Jack's discussion Should there be age restrictions on social media?
"I agree with you, I think that teenagers should have the opportunity to make money if they want to. Social media is a great source of income, if they choose that path. "
Mar 19
5Jack posted a discussion
Many people believe that social media is brainwashing teenagers in our generation. Social media has lead to many deaths by doing challenges, to be "cool". Most teens see somebody do something cool, and then want to do it for themselves. For example,…
Mar 17
5Jack replied to 5Jack's discussion Should The United States Have The Death Penalty?
"I agree with the justice part, but I don't know about having the death penalty everywhere. I feel like it is a very debatable topic with many different viewpoints."
Mar 12
5Jack replied to 5Jack's discussion Should The United States Have The Death Penalty?
"I agree with you, I believe that the states should have more say on what happens directly in their state. "
Mar 12
5Jack replied to 5Jack's discussion Should The United States Have The Death Penalty?
"I agree when you said it should be used in mutiple homicide killings, but I think that we should outlaw it. I believe that the person that commited the murder should have to suffer the consequences, because they commited the act. "
Mar 11
5Jack replied to 5Jack's discussion Should The United States Have The Death Penalty?
"I agree with you, I like how they gave to power to the states. I feel like sometimes the states don't get enough say on what happens directly in their state. "
Mar 11
5Jack replied to 5Jack's discussion Should The United States Have The Death Penalty?
"I 100% agree with you, I belieev that the person convicted of the crime should have the choice. I don't think that all people would want to sit in jail for the rest of their lives, especially in such harsh conditions. "
Mar 11
5Jack posted a discussion
The death penalty dates back to the 18th century, first introduced by King Hammurabi of Babylon. Hundreds of years ago, they would hold public death penalties that would most times include beheading. The death penalty is supposed to make people…
Mar 6
5Jack replied to 5Benjamin's discussion Should Boeing Have Been Sued
"I think that they are at fault for the crashes, as a you stated above there might not of been sufficient ground checks. However, this would not of happened for multiple aircrafts. These covered up lies have caused thousands of deaths across the…"
Mar 6
5Jack replied to 5Benjamin's discussion Should Boeing Have Been Sued
"I believe that boeing should be sued. It is their fault even if there was not ground check before the plane took off. Many peoples lives have been taken because of their fualty equipment, and it should not happen any longer. "
Mar 6
5Jack replied to 5Daniel's discussion Should America Leave NATO?
"I don't think other countries should have to pay more. The countries that are in NATO should get out of it what they put in. For example, if a country puts in the least amount of money they should have the least say on how things happen and not be…"
Mar 6
5Jack replied to 5Daniel's discussion Should America Leave NATO?
"I think we should not leave NATO just in case we get involved in another war. I think it is still useful to know that the United States still has countries that will help them if they fall on hard times, therefore I believe we should stay involved…"
Mar 6
5Jack replied to 5Daniel's discussion Should America Leave NATO?
"I agree when you said not all countries are putting in their fair share. However, not all countries have the financial backgroud that we have in the United States. However I dont think that we should leave because it would not be a good thing if…"
Mar 6
5Jack replied to 5Carson's discussion Year long school?
"I think that this is a good idea, so that students don't loose things that they learned over summer break. On the other hand, I think that it would be hard to come back after a 2-4 week break. Also summer break is a good thing because students have…"
Feb 26
5Jack replied to 5Jackson's discussion Should NIL be Legal?
"I agree with you, college players need money for how hard they work, but many are getting payed too much, more restrictions need to be placed on NIL for it to become effective. Many players get payed too much and some get payed too little. "
Feb 26
5Jack replied to 5Jackson's discussion Should NIL be Legal?
"I think that NIL is a good thing, it gives players motivation to play better. I think that they could limit the amount that a team could spend each year. Teams like Ohio State, who just won the college football National Chanpionship, bought a team…"
Feb 26
5Jack replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is cloning animals ethical?
"I think that we should clone the animals that do valuable things for us, but not do it for the animals that aren't neccesarily as important. We could clone pigs, cows, and chickens because they give us food, that we will continue to need in the…"
Feb 26
5Jack replied to Mr. Bruns's discussion Question of the Week 3-Abortion
"I think that abortion is wrong, therefore I would personally not go out of my way to give it somebody across the country. If they really wanted it done they could of came to New York. I thing that the doctor should face charges, because she…"
Feb 26
5Jack replied to 5Elle's discussion Should students have more than one open campus study hall?
"I agree with you. If you can show that you are responsible enough to have open campus then you should get it if you are a junior as well. If you have good grades, you shouldn't have to stay in school for studyhall daily. "
Feb 21
5Jack replied to 5Sam's discussion Should the United States Focus on Improving Government Efficiency?
"I think it will be pretty effective, however I think if will get a lot of bad press, because people want to put their money in the canidate that they voted fors hands. If somebody is really behind a president, they trust that whatever they do with…"
Feb 21
5Jack replied to 5Sam's discussion Should the United States Focus on Improving Government Efficiency?
"I feel like it would be a decent idea, but their would be very many mixed opinions. It is a good thing to know that your money is going to something useful that can help you in the future. I feel like it would get too much backlash to end up…"
Feb 21
5Jack replied to 5Elle's discussion Should students have more than one open campus study hall?
"During my free time I would, study for a test if needed or work on something that needs done. Otherwise, I would go home and take a break from school, which many people need. Seniors need time to think about what they want to do in the future, and…"
Feb 21
5Jack replied to 5Elle's discussion Should students have more than one open campus study hall?
"I think that we should have more than one open campus study hall. It should be the students fault if they skip the last class of the day.  The school could add more punishment for skipping class.  Seniors should have more freedom, because they are…"
Feb 21
5Jack replied to 5Joseph's discussion Should America Provide Free Healthcare?
"I agree with you, the "free" healthcare would not really be free. They would have to raise taxes or else the government would go into even more debt than we have now. The United States has enough debt and doesn't need any more . "
Feb 6
5Jack replied to 5Joseph's discussion Should America Provide Free Healthcare?
"I agree with you, if we didn't have health in surance there would be millions of more deaths every year, because they don't have the money to pay for the treatment that they need. Health insurance should stay away from taxes and be paid by each…"
Feb 6
5Jack replied to 5Joseph's discussion Should America Provide Free Healthcare?
"I would not be willing to pay the extra taxes, because it would be probably a higher tax than there needs to be. The government would probably upcharge the tax so that they could make a profit for themselves, in order to better our economy. "
Feb 6
5Jack replied to 5Joseph's discussion Should America Provide Free Healthcare?
"I don't think that it would be a good idea to have free healthcare, because as you said they would have to raise taxes. This would mean that we would probably pay for our healthcare through taxes. If the price that we pay is the same, it is not…"
Feb 6
5Jack replied to Mr. Bruns's discussion Question of the Week: Should teachers be required to teach from the Christian Bible and the Ten Commandments?
"I don't think that teachers should be able to teach from the bible. Students should not be pressured into doing something that they don't want to do. If kids don't believe in God, then why would they want to follow the 10 commandments. I do believe…"
Feb 4
5Jack replied to Mr. Bruns's discussion January 6 Discussion-10 Points-Required
"I agree with Trumps pardons, I think that it is a good thing to give them a secong chance. They were fighing for what they believe in. They might not of gone about it in the right way, but they were still finghting for what they believed in. Not all…"
Jan 30
5Jack replied to 5Aubrie's discussion Should teachers be able to talk/teach about religion?
"I agree with you, I think that the students should be able to ask questions. I the teacher is okay with it. However, I feel like having classes that are solely based on religion, would not be a good idea because it might force people into religion.…"
Jan 30
5Jack replied to 5Aubrie's discussion Should teachers be able to talk/teach about religion?
"I don't think that this is a good idea, because there are too many religions to keep track of. It might bring people into religion, but I think that there are too many different teachings by different religions to just have one general class. Many…"
Jan 30
5Jack replied to 5Nathanial's discussion Should same-sex marriage be legal?
"I think that same sex marriages are a horrible thing. Many people might believe in this, but I don't. If you don't want to get married to the opposite sex, then why even get married at all. People look down would look down on you constantly, and…"
Jan 30
5Jack replied to 5Ellie's discussion Should abortion be legal?
"I think that abortions are a bad thing. Many religions are against it, and many think that it is just wrong. I would rather put the baby up for adoption than have an abortion. Women that have abortions are basically commiting murder. They are…"
Jan 30
5Jack replied to 5Jose's discussion MJ or LeBron, GOAT?
"I agree that they are the best 2 NBA players of all time. If they were from the same era it would be easier to decide on a goat. However, they both transformed the game in various ways, making more people want to play. They are both major…"
Jan 23
5Jack replied to 5Jose's discussion MJ or LeBron, GOAT?
"I agree with you that it would have been fun to watch both of these players in their prime. However, I think that MJ is the goat. If he would of played as many games as Lebron he would have better stats, and he is a better defender. Therefore, MJ is…"
Jan 23
5Jack replied to 5Jose's discussion MJ or LeBron, GOAT?
"There is no question that MJ is the goat, he evolved the game in many different ways. He has the most sold shoe of all-time, and has played multiple sports. All good athletes have played multiple sports at various levels, Mj dropped his basketball…"
Jan 23
5Jack replied to 5Jose's discussion MJ or LeBron, GOAT?
"I think that Michael Jordan is still the Goat, because he has more championships than Lebron. Lebron has appeared in 10 championship games, but only came home with 4 rings. On the other hand, Michael Jordan has appeared in 6 championships and walked…"
Jan 23
5Jack replied to 5Jose's discussion MJ or LeBron, GOAT?
"I think that the only reason that this is a question is because Michael Jordan went to college. Michael jordan missed 3 years of his prime NBA days, because he went to college. The reason that lebron has played for 22 seasons is because he didn't…"
Jan 23
5Jack replied to 5brett's discussion Should Students have an after school job?
"I don't think that a job will take away from family time, if the person knows how to manage their schedule. This is important because having a job will tank your grades or your relationships, if you are not able to manage your time. In addition,…"
Jan 16
5Jack replied to 5brett's discussion Should Students have an after school job?
"I think getting a job is a good idea because $200 dollars a week is a decent amount of money for a job while in school. Students could use this money when they are going to college, or for when they are trying to find a real job. A job is a good…"
Jan 16
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