The death penalty dates back to the 18th century, first introduced by King Hammurabi of Babylon. Hundreds of years ago, they would hold public death penalties that would most times include beheading. The death penalty is supposed to make people refrain from commiting terrible actions on others that they can't get back. Others think of it as a way of getting back at an individual for commiting a horrific act. However, people believe the purpose of the death penalty is very controversial.
Many people have very different beliefs on why the death penalty is not a good thing, mainly stating that the court system is not always 100% accurate. On the other hand, people that think that it is a good thing, believe that the death penaly offers true justice. I know that I would want justice if someone killed a loved-one of mine. Others say that it reaffirms the value of human life. However if you believe the death penalty is a good thing, many others are on the opposite side.
Many people that say the death penalty is a bad thing have one main argument. This violates their 8th amendment to the constitution. The 8th amendment states, "Freedom from excessive bail, fines, and cruel punishments. Many people believe that the death penalty is a cruel punishment. They also believe that everybody should have the right to life, no matter what they have done in the past. In addition, many christians believe that the death panalty is bad because it goes against the commandment to not kill. The church teaches that life is a gift that should be protected, and God should be the only person able to take it away.
At the moment, Iowa does not have the death penalty and the United States has left it up to the states to decide if they want the penalty or not. Currently, 23 states don't have the death penalty, and 27 do have it. However, the states that do allow it have different rules on how it can go about. In 2024, the United States used the death penalty 24 times. This number has been fewer than 30 annually for the past 10 years. The death penalty is most times used on people that have committed aggravated murders.
I believe that the death penalty is not a good thing. Although people make bad choices they shouldn't have their rights violated. All people get the same rights when they are born as United States citizens. This should not be taken away as it is stated in the constitution. If the Government walked around taking peoples rights away from them it would not go over well. Therefore, I believe the death penalty is not a good thing, and should be outright banned in the United States.
What are your thoughts on the death Penalty, Should we have it or not?
Do you think the right to the death penalty should be up to the states to decide or should it be up to the government?
What crimes should the death penalty be used for?
I think that it's fine where it is right now being up to the state government. However if the federal government wants to get involved, then they can determine whether we should have the death penalty. Overall I think that there will be many people against the death penalty, but I think it should be up to the states to decide.
I belive that we should not have the dealth penatly. I feel like the states should be the one to make the choices. So then there are more states that say no to having it. I think that no matter what your crime is there should be no dealth penatly. No matter how bad the murder or anything was it does not deserve dealth. So I think that it should be banned everywhere.
I agree with you, I like how they gave to power to the states. I feel like sometimes the states don't get enough say on what happens directly in their state.
I think you could make an argument for having the death penalty. I think that if you commit a crime that's bad enough to be given a death sentence then there should be the death penalty. However, I also think that they should get the choice of whether they want life in prison or the death penalty.
I 100% agree with you, I belieev that the person convicted of the crime should have the choice. I don't think that all people would want to sit in jail for the rest of their lives, especially in such harsh conditions.