Many people believe that social media is brainwashing teenagers in our generation. Social media has lead to many deaths by doing challenges, to be "cool". Most teens see somebody do something cool, and then want to do it for themselves. For example, the tide pod challenge. The human brain is not fully developed until the age of 25. So should their be restrictions on social media, because our brains are not ready to make decisions yet?
Currently, 12 states have passed bills making kids get parental consent before opening an account. Other states, have hand picked certain times when minors, (under the age of 18) can access social media. Many people are concerned with privacy issues. However, if you are concerned with them taking your information, why be on the app in the first place. I believe that parents should be able to dictate what their teen watches or does on social media.
Social media has been linked to anxiety and depression. In addition, it has been linked to certain addictions and sleep disturbances. Sleep is very important for growing kids or teenagers. It is recomended for teens to get 8-10 hours of sleep per day. Sleep encourages growth and helps teens have enough energy to get through the day. On the other hand, social media helps people connect with their friends and allows them to be open to their problems and try to find help to fix them. In addition, social media can be a very good source of information, when trying to figure something out.
One very positive thing that social media involves is making money. Who doesn't like money! Especially teenagers that could spend all day at a mall spending thousands of dollars. Social media allows teenagers to make hundreds, thousands, and even sometimes millions of dollars by doing harmless videos. Their are many people on social media that rely on it for their source of income. In my opinion, we should allow social media for all ages. However, parents should have more say in what their kids do on these apps. I think that it is unfair to take away the privilege, to earn money in a harmless way. Teenagers could be doing way worse things than posting harmless videos.
What do you think, should teens be allowed to operate social media?
If so, what age will they be able to start?
Should teens get the same rights as adults when it comes to social media?
I also agree that social media can be a great way for teens to make money, especially with sponsors. It could help kids get better at marketing and it's almost like running their own business. I think both of these skills are important for teens to know. On the other hand, I think it's important that teens don't spend all their time on social media. They should also be involved in school sports, and still hang out with their friends. Overall this goes back to having the parents help set some restrictions on social media and having it not affect the teen in a negative way.
I agree when you said, it is kind of like running a business. Teenagers can learn, the more they put into the app the more they will get out of it. This will be helpful to teenagers that might want to start their own business someday.
I agree that social media should not be restricted by the government, it should be up to the parents. I think parents know what is best for their kids and can show them how to use social media responsibly. I do understand some concerns about social media like, not sleeping or addiction. However, this isn't a reason for the government to step in and the parents can set their boundaries.
I agree with you. I think that parent restrictions are smart because they know what they trust their child using. I also agree with concerns about social media because sometimes it is addicting for kids and teenagers, but with parent restrictions they can avoid that.
I think that social media platforms can hold a lot of useful information. Kids and teens can learn many useful facts and other things they might need to know. At the same time some apps can show unuseful information. Some apps arnt the best for young teens but once you get to a certain age i think it would be fine.
I agree with you, I know that I have learned things on social media. Social media can teach you very important life skills that can help you in the long run.
I think that teens should be able to operate social media. I think that some social media platforms have a good impact on teens. Although I agree with you that the parenst should have more say in whether they can have certain apps or not. I think its a very simple and easy way to make money for people who need a easy job.
I agree with you, I think that teenagers should have the opportunity to make money if they want to. Social media is a great source of income, if they choose that path.