5Jose replied to 5Jose's discussion Should there be restrictions on purchasing a gun
"I agree with you this could also limit the amount of school shooting or just shootings in general around the unites states."
Mar 11
5Jose replied to 5Jose's discussion Should there be restrictions on purchasing a gun
"I agree with you on the safety and hunting I just think we should and add a little more restrictions. "
Mar 11
5Jose replied to 5Jose's discussion Should there be restrictions on purchasing a gun
"Yea i agree with you but i don't think people with past trauma with guns should own one because they could make decisions with that gun that would affect them for the rest of their lives"
Mar 11
5Jose posted a discussion
Should there be a restriction on owning a gun or buying a gun? The reason why people buy guns is mostly for protection if someone breaks into your house, or people just have them, or people go hunting so they need guns in order to hunt. But there…
Mar 7
5Jose replied to 5Daniel's discussion Should America Leave NATO?
"I think the U.S. should stay in NATO because although we do have the strongest military It still helps to be part of that group in times of war. And it doesn't make the U.S. as vulnerable to attack."
Mar 5
5Jose replied to 5Daniel's discussion Should America Leave NATO?
"I think if the U.S. stays in nato then all the other countries should be required to pay more. So the U.S. isn't providing all the aid. And also I think It would be smart to state in NATO because if we leave we will be weaker and more vulnerable to…"
Mar 5
5Jose replied to 5Benjamin's discussion Should Boeing Have Been Sued
"I agree with you because they should always prioritize safety over any other factor. And shouldn't rush production so the planes aren't safe. And also shouldn't  let pilots drive the planes without the proper training."
Mar 5
5Jose replied to 5Benjamin's discussion Should Boeing Have Been Sued
"I think Boeing should be sued because they should prioritize safety over everything. And 346 dying is not a small number that's many families that never got to see their loved ones again because of some design flaw Boeing could fix."
Mar 5
5Jose replied to Mr. Bruns's discussion Question of the Week 3-Abortion
"I feel like you shouldn't be able to get an abortion because you are killing someone. Also, the doctor shouldn't be able to have their job anymore because the doctor sent the abortion pill to the person in Texas when they don't allow the pill in…"
Feb 26
5Jose replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is cloning animals ethical?
"I personally dislike the idea of cloning animals because it might hurt them or hurt the mom. But it does help with scientific studies and helps us evolve as a society."
Feb 26
5Jose replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is cloning animals ethical?
"I think cloning animals is ehtical if done carefully because it can advance scientific research, preserve endangered species, and improve agricultural practices. When done with strict ethical guidelines, transparency, and consideration for animal…"
Feb 26
5Jose replied to 5Carson's discussion Year long school?
"I don't think this would benifit me because i have a job that I work in the summer. But if we were to get a year long system we would only get 2 weeks of break and it would make it difficult to work that job
Feb 25
5Jose replied to 5Carson's discussion Year long school?
"I do not think this would be a good idea because like you said kids would be bored and would be more tempted to skip school. And I think we should keep the school system like it is because we get a longer time on break. So kids are still able to…"
Feb 25
5Jose replied to 5Jackson's discussion Should NIL be Legal?
"I think its fair because athletes have to pay for stuff somehow. Like food,clothes and their college debt. It may be unfair for small school but it does help athletes pay for the stuff they need to pay for."
Feb 25
5Jose replied to 5Joseph's discussion Should America Provide Free Healthcare?
"I agree with you people would take advantage of this. This would probably ruin our economy and people would get upset about the extra tax."
Feb 6
5Jose replied to 5Joseph's discussion Should America Provide Free Healthcare?
"I agree with the statement you made. It would take away personal responsibility and people would just take advantage of this. I also agree that we should try and just make healthcare more affordable."
Feb 6
5Jose replied to Mr. Bruns's discussion Question of the Week: Should teachers be required to teach from the Christian Bible and the Ten Commandments?
"I think teachers should not be allowed to teach from the bible. Because I believe that students should not be pressured to do something they don't want. I think that if students want to follow the 10 commandments then they should but if they don't…"
Feb 6
5Jose replied to 5Joseph's discussion Should America Provide Free Healthcare?
"I agree with you I think they shoud keep it the same. It will aslo keep the econmy good"
Feb 6
5Jose replied to 5Joseph's discussion Should America Provide Free Healthcare?
"I would pay the extra taxes because it would be worth it because you could save a lot of money in the long run. And it would help people while still making people work."
Feb 6
5Jose replied to 5Joseph's discussion Should America Provide Free Healthcare?
"I think we should keep helathcare as the way it is because if not people would take advantage of that and just not work and only pay their housing and other stuff they need."
Feb 6
5Jose replied to Mr. Bruns's discussion January 6 Discussion-10 Points-Required
"I believe that the people who got thrown in jail shouldn't be pardoned. Because the constitution clearly says that we are allowed to Peacefully protest. But that protest wasn't peaceful. Police officers were injured and people were killed due to…"
Jan 30
5Jose replied to 5Aubrie's discussion Should teachers be able to talk/teach about religion?
"I feel like teachers should be able to talk about religion. Because there are people who wanna learn and wanna ask questions. I think they shouldn't touch sensitive topics because some students might be bothered by that."
Jan 30
5Jose replied to 5Aubrie's discussion Should teachers be able to talk/teach about religion?
"I feel like having an optional class would be a good idea. So the people who wanna learn about religion can join it and people who don't have to. "
Jan 30
5Jose replied to 5Ellie's discussion Should abortion be legal?
"I also agree the baby should have a chance to live. Like you said there are a lot of people willing to adopt or wanting to. Or just try to raise the baby and get a job."
Jan 30
5Jose replied to 5Ellie's discussion Should abortion be legal?
"I believe that abortion is bad but not all of them. It all depends on the situation. Like if someone were to get raped it wouldn't be fair for them to have to have the baby when they didn't decide to get pregnant. But on the other hand, If you…"
Jan 30
5Jose replied to 5Jose's discussion MJ or LeBron, GOAT?
"Yes I agree LeBron has proved to be the greatest by still being agile even though he is 40. And he was even better in his prime appearing in 10 championship games and micheal jordan only 6."
Jan 22
5Jose posted a discussion
 People have been wondering for years, decades on who is better: Micheal Jordan or Lebron Raymone James. There are so many concepts that MJ is better but same for Lebron, like people would say that Mj never loses a NBA Championship. But Lebron beat…
Jan 21
5Jose is now a member of History 360
Jan 8
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