Should Animal Testing be Prohibited?

Animal testing started all the way back in 500 B.C., in Greece. During this time using animals was a normal testing to acquire knowledge of the functions of a living organism. Many countries have already prohibited animal testing including a few big countries like Australia and Mexico. The top used animal for animal testing are rats and mice, followed by birds and fish. There are many ways of animal testing that poeple use. Animal testing has gone up a lot over several years. 

There are many people on each side of this topic. Many say we shouldnt have animal testing but then many say we should. Many people say yes becuase it helps us make sure that the product they are testing is safe for humans. Another reasons people may lean towards yes is because it helps us understand and know how good medicane or drugs might work. This can also help scientist change what they need to make it safe and reliable. On the other side of this topic many say no. They may say that the results of animal testing may not be the same effectively when humans use it. This could cause many issues when it comes to harmal products being apporved for humans to use when they really are not good for us. 

People have started to look into a alternitive for animal testing. Scientists have thought about a alterinitive like computer modeling, advanced imagining techniques and using cells and tissues in a lab instead of using animals in a lab. I think we could definatially find a alterinitive for this topic. Some countries have switched over to having to have a permit to animal test. They made this a law and some of these countries so they can minimalize the suffering of the animals that get put through animal testing and to make sure of ethical treatment. 

I beileve that we should not have animal testing. I think that we could definiatally find a more reliable and less harmful way to make sure products are safe for humans. Also I think they should leave it up to the state on whether they can animal test or not. If we dont get rid of animal testing they should at least have to get a apporval from the state you are in to test something on a animal before you can do it so that people arnt testing random products and drugs on animals and over using it. 


Do you think we should have animal testing?

Do you think the alternatives would be a good options?


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    • I agree with you. I think having alternative options would be nice, and yes more ethical than testing on animals. I also agree with the fact that you said we haven't found very many working alternatives, which means that for now we should continue doing it as we are, as long as it is ethical.

  • I dont think we should have animal testing because it is just not very ethical. Testing on animals causes them to suffer the rest of their lives or be put down because something isn't right. I think having to get a permit is a good idea and would take the amount of death from testing down on animals. Another option could be having to buy permits on every animal you test so people wouldn't do it as often.

    • I agree, we should not make them suffer for our benefit. This testing can be done many otherways that does not include hurting animals. This helps us do many things but it is not worth hurting the animals when they didn't do anything wrong.

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