5Tyler posted a discussion
This is a question that has been around for decades, since the first animal was cloned and even since it became an idea. Cloning has been seen as having major potential for scientific discovery, growth, and advancement, but the question has always…
Feb 21
5Tyler replied to Mr. Bruns's discussion January 6 Discussion-10 Points-Required
"I think that Januray 6th was a very controversial and violent day for the people of the U.S. but I do have strong opinions on it. I think that at that point in our political structure, and how are country was going, it was needed, I think that as…"
Jan 31
5Tyler replied to 5Kayden's discussion What is Bitcoin?
"I could also see bitcoin being a bad thing for the future of our economy because if bitcoin does become the future base currency and it hard caps at 21 million, when we end up hitting that cap, how are people who have 0 BTC going to get money? if…"
Jan 16
5Tyler replied to 5Kayden's discussion What is Bitcoin?
"One more reason why I could not see bitcoin replace common currency anytime soon is because of how much it flucuates in price, the common dollar doesn't one day become worth more than a dollar or less, that worth is based on the economy, the price…"
Jan 16
5Tyler replied to 5Kayden's discussion What is Bitcoin?
"I could definitely see bitcoin replacing common currency in the future, but in the far future, I think that we are as of the present, years away from online currency completely replacing common currency. The world widely uses online transactions…"
Jan 16
5Tyler replied to 5brett's discussion Should Students have an after school job?
"I also strongly believe that an after school job can greatly improve your daily performance as a person, you learn to respect co-workers so you leanr to respect yourself and others, you learn to obey your higher ups, so you can implement that into…"
Jan 16
5Tyler replied to 5brett's discussion Should Students have an after school job?
"I do think that students should have a after school job, this is mainly on the focus point of, it teaches skills, social skills, and many other things that you can expect to encounter after gradeschool, it can give you that sense of what the low…"
Jan 16
5Tyler updated their profile
Jan 9
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I agree with your opinion on the workforce, but when a AI takes a job a new one will be created, one that Ai cannot do, and when your looking at AI in the workforce from a business standpoint, AI could bring in a lot more profit than a person could."
Apr 26, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I totally agree that movies has clouded our judgement on AI, But I do not think we will get even close to that point in AI within our lifetime."
Apr 26, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I could not have said it better myself, new jobs will always be found, because their will always be things that AI just aren't capable of doing."
Apr 26, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I would have to agree and disagree, I think AI would be very good for repetitive jobs, but in no way do I think we should stop researching and advancing this newfound technology."
Apr 26, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"Workers may not like the thought of their job being taken, but look at it this way, it's not the AI that would be taking your job it would be the business, if you look at it from a business standpoint as a CEO, AI could bring in more profit than a…"
Apr 26, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"It may be like that to some people, such as yourself, but I also think the AI could be very useful especially to people who in their lows, and dark places as it is always supportive."
Apr 26, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"Thats the same way I use My AI also, I also think people who are in dark places could use the chatbot as someone to talk to since it replies fast and is always supportive."
Apr 26, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I also think its weird, mostly because I once asked it where I was and it said it had no idea since it didn't have access to my location but I then asked the same question later and it said i was in the school, at Harlan, Iowa, so I don't know what…"
Apr 26, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I agree I don't use the chatbot, and when I do its for a joke or to see if i can make it do certain things, but I totally agree on your workforce opinion."
Apr 26, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5/8Logan's discussion Abortion Pill Legalization
"I totally agree, and every life that is started should get a chance to live it, even if they arent born yet, it sucks that we can only talk but i would imagine many others have the same opinion."
Apr 26, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5/8Logan's discussion Abortion Pill Legalization
"this could be harsh, but the mother obviously has less of a life yet than the babies, so they should have the baby anyway, nobody is thinking about the babies future."
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5/8Logan's discussion Abortion Pill Legalization
"I think this pill should be banned no questions asked, that is because a abortion isn't a "well it's my body, my choice" kind of thing, because that abby is not your body, it's theirs, and they haven't even been born yet to say whether they wanted…"
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5/8Logan's discussion Abortion Pill Legalization
"I could not agree more."
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5/8Logan's discussion Abortion Pill Legalization
"But the baby is not "their" bodies, it's the babies body and the baby should get to decide whether they get to have a life or not, not the mother."
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I totally agree with your standpoint but from a business point of view AI could make them a lot of money"
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"It does cost a lot but at the efficiency it can do it's job, I think that it can make profit very quickly."
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I don't think AI is trying to steal information because that is a huge risk for the comoany, and if the compnay is big enough to build a AI such as snapchat, I wouldn't think they would risk their whole company to just get information from users."
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I totally agree with your standpoint here at will be hard to tell where and what will happen with the evolution of AI"
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"They could eventually take over but their will always be jobs that a AI could never do."
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"And I totally agree, but what I meant by introducing AI into the workforce I meant more by the means of Manufacturing not other jobs that only humans have to capability to do, at the moment."
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"My AI doesnt neccesarily annoy me but I don't think it is cheap by any means either, it may not be cheap but at the speed it can do things businesses will make that profit back very fast."
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I personally believe it should be introduced into the workforce because the only way the economy is going to make ahuge jump and a huge advancement is with the use of AI."
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I agree that we should introduce into the workforce, But I do think it should take over some jobs because AI could do it much faster than people"
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I totally agree with your point of using it more apropiatelly."
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I have to repectfully disagree, I know that people want security but we can program AI to only have access to so much, and its potential is to much to just throw away for me"
Apr 25, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I agree, I don't see myself talking to AI regularly, but for people in dakr places it could help them out a lot."
Apr 24, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I agree that it would take away jobs and it could impact our children but there are always jobs that a AI simply connot do or cannot do it as well"
Apr 24, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5/8Logan's discussion Abortion Pill Legalization
"I personally think that this pill should be illigal because I think very life in this world should get a chance to live and I don't think the mother should get to make that decision for them, even if they think that they are to poor or they are not…"
Apr 24, 2023
5Tyler posted a discussion
As we all know, artificial intelligence is a very newfound technology in our growing world, while many support and encourage it, others may have different beliefs on what it could do or how it could impact society. There are many reasons to both…
Apr 23, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Danny's discussion should transgender care for minors be restricted?
"Maybe banning it will help people see the real and natural truth and learn to live with their bodies and build a hard working mentallity to better themselves, I think trans people are just babies who cannot get the motivation to better themselves."
Mar 16, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Danny's discussion should transgender care for minors be restricted?
"I could not agree more, if you decide to be trans then they are repercussions to deciding that, one may be, people don't see you the same, they may think you are weird and different and not want to be around you, also, if you decide to be trans then…"
Mar 16, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Danny's discussion should transgender care for minors be restricted?
"I love the Whip and nay nay dance reference but on a whole other note, I agree with you, becoming another gender could mess up your life forever, and I am also a firm believer in Christianity and I will not go against transgender or LGBTQ but under…"
Mar 16, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Danny's discussion should transgender care for minors be restricted?
"I agree, becoming trans is 100% a decision because back when 'trans' wasn't a thing its not like peoples bodies were just like'oop were not male/female anymore' it is not natural, which means it is 100% a decision and I do think it is 100% for…"
Mar 16, 2023
5Tyler replied to 2Aidan's discussion Should the driving age be lower?
"I think that the driving age is good where it is, its just where kids are getting responsibull enough to be safe on the road and to know what they are doing, and to the age where parents can trust them, I wouldn't change the driving age"
Mar 7, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Should Schools Have Charging Stations in the Classroom?
"I also think that charging stations in rooms would help kids because they would have charged devices."
Mar 2, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Should Schools Have Charging Stations in the Classroom?
"I agree that having charging stations would be a very good idea I personally forget to bring my charger."
Mar 2, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Should Schools Have Charging Stations in the Classroom?
"I would definetely use them if they were in the classroom, because me and many other students have trouble charging our computers at home"
Mar 1, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Should Schools Have Charging Stations in the Classroom?
"I totally agree that there should be charging stations in most classrooms but not all of them, only the ones that we use our computers in a lot, and yes I get tired and forget to to plug in my computer at night a lot."
Mar 1, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Should Schools Have Charging Stations in the Classroom?
"I totally agree chsrging stations should be added to classrooms, but it wouldn't be used for phones or airpods, it would be used for school laptops."
Mar 1, 2023
5Tyler replied to 3Caden's discussion Is technology helping or slowing us down in the workforce?
"I think that having technology in todays economy is huge need, without it, you just can't be successful, not in today's world, I do think that technology is replacing human workers, but when it does, it does it better, faster and just overall better…"
Mar 1, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Should Schools Have Charging Stations in the Classroom?
"I totally agree, it would be a expensive project, but I also think it would be worth money because the school would see students GPA's rise."
Mar 1, 2023
5Tyler replied to 5Tyler's discussion Should Schools Have Charging Stations in the Classroom?
"I would 100% agree that they shouldn't be in every room, just ones that that we use our computers in a lot, plus, the charging stations would not be for phones, they would be for school related technology, such as our computers."
Mar 1, 2023
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