5Talon replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is cloning animals ethical?
"I agree, i also think cloning is ethical if done carefully but I also disagree with you as I think cloning endangered/extinct species can ruin evolution of animals in some ways we may not know of."
5Talon replied to 5Tyler's discussion Is cloning animals ethical?
"I like the idea of cloning animals as long as it is done to certain species which we would profit from and we don't just do it for fun/no reason. I think testing should stay within a select group of animals. Altogether I think cloning animals is ok…"
5Talon replied to Mr. Bruns's discussion Question of the Week 3-Abortion
"I think if someone is sending these abortion pills to another person who is in a state where it is illegal they should have to deal with the punishment. If they don't have to serve a punishment it would just show that maybe laws don't just don't…"
Feb 25
5Talon replied to 5Jackson's discussion Should NIL be Legal?
"I think NIL should be legal as college athletes just dumped all of their money into a college and will need a way to help support them more. It could be unfair for smaller schools but in the end it might not make a huge difference in who comes to…"
Feb 25
5Talon replied to 5Joseph's discussion Should America Provide Free Healthcare?
"Yes, health care in america should be free. Most other country in the world provide health care, and when you retire you probably arn't going to make enough to afford everything unless you get a part time job. Especially when looking at older people…"
Feb 4
5Talon replied to Mr. Bruns's discussion Question of the Week: Should teachers be required to teach from the Christian Bible and the Ten Commandments?
"I don't belive it was the right desicion to force the 10 commandments into school. As americans we have the right to freedom of religon so no one should be forced to follow a certain religion because of a law in schools. Although some of the 10…"
Feb 3
5Talon replied to 5Ellie's discussion Should abortion be legal?
"I agree with you I think in a situation where someone gets raped they should be allowed to get a abortion, any other cases I belive it should be banned but there is really no way to regulate that."
Jan 30
5Talon replied to 5Ellie's discussion Should abortion be legal?
"I believe for the most part that abortions should be legal. If someone is raped that shouldn't have the bargian of dealing with the costs and expensive of delivering a baby in the first place. Having a baby without insurance can cost anywhere from…"
Jan 30
5Talon replied to 5Aubrie's discussion Should teachers be able to talk/teach about religion?
"No, at least in a public school setting, and the idea of putting a class for it in place is even worse. First of all if you have onle religous class in place you would probably have to put in a new class for all religons to even make it normalized…"
Jan 30
5Talon replied to 5Nathanial's discussion Should same-sex marriage be legal?
"I think it should be legal, at least in the United States. One of your main reasons why it was a controversal topic. The reason why I think it should be in the united states is because we have freedom of religon, its like saying buddist arn't…"
Jan 30
5Talon replied to Mr. Bruns's discussion January 6 Discussion-10 Points-Required
"I agree with trumps pardon. Januray 6th was full of violence but the rioters truley belive that they were saving the country, they deep down belived that they were the only hope they had to keep america a democracy of the people. Even though there…"
Jan 30
5Talon replied to 5Jose's discussion MJ or LeBron, GOAT?
"MJ deserves some credit after all I do think he was the best of his time but with more generations, People will only get better. MJ has also made more money overall than Lebron with 3.5 Billion dollars, and Lebron only has 1.2 Billion. But who…"
Jan 23
5Talon replied to 5Jose's discussion MJ or LeBron, GOAT?
"Im glad you agree, It really goes to show how many people Lebron has touched mentally through his amazing carrer. I do think to there is more to add to Lebron vs MJ as Lebron has scored more points than MJ carrer wise."
Jan 22
5Talon replied to 5Jose's discussion MJ or LeBron, GOAT?
"Oh my glorious king Lebron, where do I even begin. Lebron has secured his place in my heart as the GOAT of basket ball through his amazing perfomance even in his 40's. Oh how I wish I was aolder to comprehend my glorious lebron's prime. Alltogether…"
Jan 22
5Talon replied to 5Kayden's discussion What is Bitcoin?
"I agree with you, I see that is it possible but I think that cash and card will remain primary payment options. In my comment I didn't talk about hackers and how harmful that could be to a digital currency but I see now that if we did switch to…"
Jan 16
5Talon replied to 5brett's discussion Should Students have an after school job?
"I agree with you, I also think having jobs has the oppertunity to teach lessons to students and how beneficial learning how to balance a schedule can be. Although I see now from your comment how leadership skills can also be affected and boosted…"
Jan 16
5Talon replied to 5Kayden's discussion What is Bitcoin?
"I agree with you, I belive cash is superior purley due to the fact it can just be printed out. If bitcoin gets mined out there is basically no more economy if it replaced the dollar. Although I also disagree with the point you made of it being bad,…"
Jan 16
5Talon replied to 5Kayden's discussion What is Bitcoin?
"Even though bitcoin is growing larger everyday, I do not belive it can fully replace the dollar. The dollar is a staple and is easily printed out giving it theoretically no "hardcap" like you said with bitcoins 21 million. I do think bitcoin is good…"
Jan 16
5Talon replied to 5brett's discussion Should Students have an after school job?
"I also believe that having an after-school job can be a great idea because it can show students how to manage a schedule with a job before working with a full-time job later in life, I believe it can also show students how to manage money instead of…"
Jan 16
5Talon updated their profile
Jan 8
5Talon is now a member of History 360
Jan 7
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