"This would not benefit me because during the summer I use my time to work, and take time for myself. It is time used to stop stressing, and to enjoy time without homework and time outside of school. I think that the system we have now works well,…"
"I don't think year long school would be a good idea because summer break is a time when kids get to relax, work, spend time with family, and engage with friends. I think if school was year round students stress levels would always be high, I think…"
"I don't think that the kind of animal matters, because no matter what this idea shouldn't be normalized. There is always the chance this could go wrong and cause damage to the animals. I think that once an animals goes extinct it is meant to stay…"
"I don't think cloning is ethical. I think in ways, this could harm the animal. If the cloning doesn't work, then the animal used for the experiment could have many complications. I also think that the topic of " it could bring pets back" is very…"
"I think that if it is illegal in a certain state, it should not be allowed to be sent to a person living there. People have many different opinions on abortions. I think that this Doctor being sued makes sense because they tried to get around the…"
"I agree with the fact that students worked hard the previous years, and open campus would be like a reward. When you are older you gain more freedom, and more trust. I also like that you said it gives them a break. Junior and Senior year can get…"
"During my free time and open campus I would run errands, leaving me more time after school for any homework I might have. If I had homework to do before that night, I would use my open period to get that done. I would also use that time to eat or…"
"I think that open campus is something that students work for during their highschool career. When having open campus some may feel more responsible and also have to prove that they are responsible. It could be a good way for them to manage time, and…"
"I think it could either be very effective or very uneffective. If we look at the pros and cons there seems to be more reasons why this will work. Although, with doing this lower level employees may loose their jobs. Where we are now, modernizing the…"
"I believe that the Department of Governement Effiencency is going to be essiential in helping to repair America. As you stated, a more effient government operates fadster. This idea is going to be crutial and help to cut down wastful and unneeded…"
"I agree with the face that you said there is many cons and only a few pros. I think it would be helpful for homeless people and people who cant afford healthcare to get the chance at a healthy life. Overall though free healthcare would make problems…"
"I agree with you because people already have a problem with paying taxes, and if they were raised it could even more anger. There is benefits of free healthcare like you said. I also like that you provided your opinion on people absusing this power.…"
"The downfall of this would be paying extra taxes. I think many people would have a strong opinion about this factor, and would cause them to oppose free healthcare. I also think there might be a handful of people that don't mind paying a little…"
"I think there are advantges and disadvanvantages of free health care. While it would be helpful to some people who don't usually have the choice for medical care, it could also cause outrage from others. People who struggle with money could benefit…"
"While religion is a big part in many peoples lives, I do not think it should be overly brought into schools. Some people don't have beliefs and this in a way would be pushing it on them. While it could be postive there is too many ways it could…"
"I think January 6th was a day full of many emotions. Many of which were angry. The republicans were outraged because they thought that the election was stolen. They repeated " stop the steal" while breaking into the captial. I think that the way…"
"Although many might not like the idea of same sex marrige, I don't think it should be illegal. At this point in time, we can not judge others for little things like being with the same gender. We have been taught to not shame others even if we may…"
"I would attend the class because for some people it would really be a nice addition to their days. Having a glass dedicated to your relgion could you strenghthen it, and help others learn more about it. I think that it might be tricky though,…"
"I don't think all abortions are bad. I think it depends on the situation. If a young girl were to be raped and end up pregnant, I think they should be able to have that option. If it happens due to something you did willingly, then I think the…"
"I agree with you. I think aboritions and wrong and the baby should be given a chance at life. I like that you shared about things to do afterwards if you are not ready to care for the baby. I am pro life because when you get pregnant you are usually…"
"I like that you included his championships. I think it is crazy that he has won so many in just 6 apperances. I also think it is very interesting that he left to play baseball, and came back and continued to win more rings."
"I think these stats are very interesting and help to build MJ up. Jordan has made much more money than Lebron, but does that nescessarly mean that he is the better player? What does this prove?"
"I think this information is interesting and could overall help somebody decide who they think deserve the title. Jordan has more impressive scoring records which helps to prove that overall he might be the better player,"
"I agree with you on this. They have both changed the way of basketball which makes it difficult to say one is better than the other. They both get a ton of recognition and that is well deserved."
"I think this topic could have many different answers. Both of the players are well known and have both had great carreers. It is interesting to see everybody's opinion on who they think should take the title of the "G.O.A.T." "
"I can see how some would say having a job makes it diffcult to finish school work. Sometimes its hard to juggle many things at once. In my opinion we are at the age where we know our abilities. If you don't think you can handle school and a job at…"
"I agree with you on the topic of jobs help you learn skills you will need later in life. Starting work at a young age will provide you with knowledge to carry on into your future. Knowing the value of your own money and also learning the difference…"
"I think that bitcoin mining is a very interesting topic. I think it is intriguing that is powered by clean and natural energy and the impact on global warming is lessened because the recources are used wisely. "
"I think that bitcoin doesn't have a high chance of replacing the dollar at the moment. Bitcoin is too unstable to overall replace cash and banks. Bitcoin is still a fairly new concept and needs to be perfected before there should even be thoughts…"
"I think that students should have an after school job because it helps them learn responibility. Starting work at a young age sets you up to better succeed in the future. Work can also help with many necessary life skills, such as social interaction…"