"I agree with everything you stated there. Nobody likes to lose money to taxes and adding a very expensive tax like healthcare would put so many people over the edge. The economy would crash and everyone would riot against the goveronement."
"I agree, their is many taxes on a pay check and if healthcare is on there to that would be a huge amount taken off of the check. Not many people like taxes on a pay check but adding a larger healthcare tax would put people over the edge."
"I agree with you, the tax charge on a free healthcare would be very expensive. You could also be getting taxes for healthcare and not even be needing healthcare at the time. "
"I don't think having a free healthcare would be a good idea, because having a free healthcare would bring in more taxes and less money we would bring in. Having this a lot of doctors would probably quit there job."
"I believe that their should be a small portion of time in the day for a prayer like a bible study class or even a WIN time in our school. I also think that teachers shouldn't be punished at all if they talk about religion. The time has to be right…"
"I would have to dissagree some people may not be able to make it to church on sundays or anyday so this class could be good for them. I do agree with how you say it should be taught in a church or by your parents, but some people are scared to go to…"
"I think that their should be a class for religion in schoold, and it doesn't have to be just one religion. Maybe like a class for bible study or something and gather everyones thoughts on a passage they had read. A class like this should happen so…"
"I believe that the January 6th protest was completly fine and it needed to happen. The law enforcement near the white house violated everyones 1st amendment which is the freedom of protest. I get that the police were trying to buy the senators time…"
"I see where you are coming from, but I quite frankly think it should be illegal. The society today has gone bad with all this LGBTQ non-sense. I think marriage should be between a man and a women, because that't how I was raised. I don't agree with…"
Nearly 30% of high school students have been employed to a part time job during a portion of the school year. Most high school students work at local stores or restaurants in their town or towns near them. Some students even use knowledge from…