Increasingly human-like robots spark fascination and fear

A humanoid robot named Erica talks to a man in front of stunned audience members in Madric. Erica is not programmed to respond to sentences, but instead key words in sentences to respond to. She has human like characteristics, but not too human. This guy believes that humaniods are best to improve the interactions between robots and humans. 


How do you feel humaniods will affect the relationship between humans and Robots? 

I think it could go either way... It could end up really good and we could benefit from it or it could go wrong and we could loose a lot. 


If you had to name 2 ways you think this would help or not help... What would they be? 

1)I think that if this does work it may descrease the amount of work Humans will have to do. 

2)I think that if this goes wrong than we could loose a lot of money on trying to make them work.



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