New School Security

Josh Kenkel   


New School Security 

After the parkland shooting in florida were 17 students were killed and 17 were wounded, many schools decided to have new technologies to help students stay safe and to confuse the threat and minimize as much damage as possible. A school in miami start to hire armed guards, yep that's right armed guards with guns in the school. In the future their might be more armed guards in schools, which in a way is sad because we have to have armed guards to protect our students in schools. They will also have regular dog checks and give visitors ID card that can track their every move inside the school. They are also making putting new security systems to uses in their schools to find an intruder roaming around in a school. Over all they are applying safer ways to track and keep threats out of the school and to take them out if necessary.

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  1. What do think about having armed guards with guns in schools?

I think it’s a good idea to have armed guards so if there was a shooter then they could take care of the threat with minimale deaths and injuries


  1. If you could add a new system/methods to prevent school shooting or threats what would it be?

If I were to add something new, I would add routine checks in lockers and students bags and add metal detectors before entering the school.

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    While you got this posted, you put it in the wrong area. This goes into the Forum, not Blog section. I will allow you to copy/paste this and redo it for next week since you did have it done.

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