Limousine Accident Kills 20 in New York

Saturday night there was a limousine accident in New York outside an Apple Barrel restaurant. The limousine had 18 passengers that were on their way to a birthday party. They went over a intersection going about ten or so miles per hour over the speed limit when people around the area heard what they thought to be an explosion. All 18 people inside the limousine were killed along with two bystanders making this the deadliest accient in over 9 years. Officials and first responders got to the site almost immediately and stayed through the night to deal with the problem. The intersection the limousine crashed at is well known to be quite dangerous as right before the intersection is a steep hill that often causes problems for larger vehicles and people towing things over the hill. There have been attempts at trying to make the street safer in the past but people still felt that the intersection is quite dangerous.


What do you feel should be done about the dangerous intersection???


How in the future do you think we could prevent large accidents like this???


For more on the accident click here



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