10/1-10/5 US History

Monday- Went over worksheet, went over extra credit expectations and watched video.

Tuesday- Watched Video/ went over worksheets

Wednesday- Watched Video

Thursday- finished video and went over workseets

Friday- Finished Worksheet 8 and 9.

What Helped the Industrial Resources

  • Coal
  • Copper
  • Lead
  • Molybdenum
  • Phosphates
  • Rare earth elements
  • Gold
  • Iron
  • Uranium
  • Zinc
  • Timber
  • Natural Gas

Goverment Helped Buisness 

Laissez Faire- the goverment is going to stay out of buisness/ grow unheated no regulation or no rules

Lots of People- Growth of Major cities were huge

Growing Population- Provided Markets for Manufacutured Goods

Why did cities grow so fast

  • Immigrants
  • Farmers moved to the city
  • African Americans moved to the cities after the Civil War
  • Cities Offered more jobs and oppurtunities
  • Cities offered more entertainment and culture

-Immigrants Provided Cheap Labor

- Oil Boomed- it fueled it

- Bessemer Proccess- Cheaper way to make steel

Various Inventions

- Electric Light Bulb- Edison

-TypeWriter- CHristopher Sholes

-Telephone- Alexander Graham Bell

-Railroads- transports all resources to factories took to market/ farmers didn't like it overcharged them

- Captains of Industry

- Corneilus Vanderbilt, John Rockfeller, Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, Henry Ford

Monoplies- When a company in a specfic field tries to get rid of all their competiton and control as close to 100% of the industry as possible

Why are they bad

  • Lead to higher prices
  • can lead to poorer products due to lack of competiton
  • Less Choice for the consumer
  • Can drive smaller buisnesses out of business leading to unemployment



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