1st - We continued to watch the entrepreneur video and go over a few notes with the video worksheet.
2nd - We continued to watch the entrepreneur video after going over video worksheet discussion.
3rd - We continued to watch the entrepreneur video.
4th - We finished the entrepreneur video and began to go over worksheets.
5th - We finished going over the worksheets and began to take more notes to wrap up industrial revolution.
What made the US so prosperous?
Tons of natural resources - Coal, copper, iron, etc.
The government helped business - The government stayed out of business and let companies grow with little regulations.
Cities were growing - This allowed for business to flourish as more and more workers came to find work. Farmers moved to cities along with immigrants.
The workers bought products - The manufactured goods were bought by the fastly growing population.
Immigrants provided cheap labor
Oil boom - The oil-fueled all the new factories and fueled the new America.
Bessemer process - This allowed for steel to be made faster and cheaper.
Various inventors fueled new inventions
Railroads - Railroads transported people and resources across America.
Captains of Industry - 4 men were titans and industry and led America into the modern area.
Monopolies - When a company in a specific field tries to get rid of all their competition and control as close to 100% of the industry. Competition is good for business and lowers prices, can make better products, less choice, and encourages small business.