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9-24 to 9-28

24th - We contined to watch the entrepreneur video.

25th - We reviewed 5.1 and 5.2 and did a post-video paper.

5.3 - The Grange was an organization that fought the railroads, they made events for farmers to have more fun, and elected officals to congre

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9/24 Monday- Video

9/25 Tuesday- 

Populist Movement- People's party(Omahas Platform) 1890's

  1. Help farmers out of debt
  2. Give People a greater voice in government
  3. Increase money supply in circulation-silverites

William Jennings Bryan-cross of gold (rich were k

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9-24- 9-28 Blogs US History

Monday- watched video


The Grange is an orgnazation or dance for farmers to have fun or something to do.

Interstate Commerce Act 1887- Allowed the US goverment to supervise railroads

Required to be fair and just

Set up to carry in law.

Populist Mo

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9 / 24 - 9 / 28


Watched video


Populist Movement - Omaha Platform - (1890's) Made up of farmers and factory workers. It helped farmers out of debt. It also gave the people a greater voice in government instead of it only being white, rich males in the governme

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Sept. 24- Sept. 28

9/24- finnished old kingdom egypt presentation

9/25- started Shang dynasty presentation

  • Shang
    • First to have a centralized government
      • Monarchy
      • Theocracy 
        • gods or deities
    • Yellow river and Yangzi rivers were very important to the development of the dynasty
    • Nort
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9-24 to 9-28

As the Granger Laws were on their way out. A new federal law was made to help the government in monitoring the railroads. They required railroads to have fair and just rates. It failed to help farmers at first. The government is starting to force bus

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9/24 - 9/28

Monday - watched a video

Tuesday - Chapter 5.3

Interstate commerce Act - 1887

  • Allowed the US Government to supervise railroads 
  • Required railroad rates to be "fair and just"
  • set up interstate Commerse Commission to carry out law 
  • Failed to help farmers at
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Week of 9/24-28

Monday- We finished Men who made America Ep 4 

Tuesday- Grange laws: series of state laws passed in several Midwester states-Iowa Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois in the late 1860's and 1870's 

Designed to fight against railroad abuse

Wanted railroads and

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Monday - 


Gods were overall leaders (made rules)

Pharaohs were believed to be like human gods

Traded lots of stuf

Can not change your scoial class

Age of the pyramids, Central government, Preist hood


Nile River importance (The Gift of the Nile

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Week of September 24th to September 28th

Monday - 


Gods were overall leaders (made rules)

Pharaohs were believed to be like human gods

Traded lots of stuf

Can not change your scoial class

Age of the pyramids, Central government, Preist hood


Nile River importance (The Gift of the Nile

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Weekly Blogs 9/24-9/28


Egypt (Old Kingdom)

-NE Africa

-Nile River 


-Laws written by Pharah

-Gods overruled

-Trading gold

-Grains and oils

-Age of the Pyramids 

-2618-2181 BC

-Flooding was good (water, irrigation, food)

-Tombs, temples, pyramids

-Government was created

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