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29th - For the first 15 minutes we looked at the canidates for govener and seats in congress for Iowa. We then went over the assignment were were introduced to on Friday. The 18th Amendment banned moving alcohol around the control, it benifited 'ever
M O N D A Y -
*16th Amendment-
- Put into action in 1913 to pay taxes
- Gave congress power to lay and collect taxes
- Benefited the government
*17th Amendment-
- April 8th, 1913
- Gave Direct Election for Senators.
- Americans did not vote directly the first 125 years
We watched some videos made by people running for congress. Mr. Bruns explained the project to the students that were missing Friday. We went over presentations for the people that were in school Friday.
We voted at the beginning of class.
Friday: Progressive Era work
We watched videos over politicans in Iowa for background info and who we want to win in Iowa Straw Poll
Then we presented
Tuesday- We voted and then they finished presented.
- When was it passed? January 29, 1919
- Banned the manufacture,
Monday -
Sparta Presentation
History (Founded by Lacedaemon
Rise to power was because of militaristic nature
Geography (South part of grece, close to river, very hot during summer, mountains protected)
Social Classes (Women were treated good)
Jobs (lots o
10/29-11/1-- Sparta presentations
- History
- founded by Lacedaemon the son of Zeus and Taygete
- Named after daughter of Eurotas the wife of Lacedaemon
- Fisrt millennium BC
- Rise to power
- militaristic nature of society
- conquest of Messenia
- took their people and ma
- Founded by Lacedaemon
- Son of Zeus and Taygete
- Named after daughter of Eurotas
- Wife of Lacedaemon
- First millennium B.C.
- They rose to power because of their militaristic nature of society
- Conquest of Messenia
- Helots
- Nearest thing to a standing arm
History- Founded by Lacedaemon(Son of Zeus and Taygete)
Rise to Power- Militaristic nature of society, Conquest of Messenia. Provided nearest thing to standing army. People looked to Sparta as protection.
Geography- south part of Greece, l
MONDAY- Sparta presentation
-founded by Lacedaemon (son of Zeus)
-Sparta was named after daughter of Eurotas
-first millennium BC
Rise to Power
-conquest of Messenia
-Militaristics nature of society
-provided nearest things to standing army
Monday- We started the sparta presentaion
Monday-go over part of U.S. map. biggest synagogue killing in U.S. history, man kills 11and wounds 6 jews in pittsburgh on saturday.
Tuesday-mock vote. finish 3rd party summary
Wednesday-U.S. map test
Thursday-CNN is calling Trump a racist, twisting wh
Monday- We watched a few videos for the Mock Election. Then we went over The Progressive Movement powerpoint.
How did Progressives Benefit:
- Workers
- Women
- Consumers
- Voters
- Farmers
- Small Business
- Banks
- People in general
The Progressive Movement-Political and So
Monday: Watched video on Iowa canidates and presented progressive powerpoint
Keating Owens Act
- Addressed child labor by prohibiting the sale of goods that were produced in factories that employed children under the age of 14
- Benefited workers
Monday - watched videos on candidates for Iowa and presented powerpoint
Tuesday - presented powerpoint
Wednesday - notes
Thursday -
10/29/18-Today we worked on our third part project, and went over the U.S Northeast map, and the dail news
10/30/18-We did the notheast U.S class quizz, the current news, and talked about our third party projects
10/31/18-Today we took our U.S map test
Monday- Watched videos over Iowa Candidates and went over progessives powerpoint
Tuesday- Took notes over the Progressive powerpoint Notes
Wednesday- Continued our notes over the Progressive powerpoint Notes
Thursday- Finished notes over Progressive Pow
We presented the Athens presentaion