Monday: Watched video on Iowa canidates and presented progressive powerpoint
Keating Owens Act
- Addressed child labor by prohibiting the sale of goods that were produced in factories that employed children under the age of 14
- Benefited workers
18th Amendment
- Banning of the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcoholic beverages
- January 16th- took effect on January 17th, 1920
- Affected companies which could have benefited the rich
- Process that allows citizens to propose amendments by collecting signatures on a petition
- Started in South Dakota in 1898
- Benefited people of the state
- Allows citizens to give a direct vote to either approve or appeal a law
- Began in 1904
- Impacts voters
Clayton Antitrust Act
- Focuses on price discrimination, price fixing, and unfair business practices
- Benefited the union- gave the unions the right to exit ad declare the right of workers to on strike
- Passed by US congress in 1914
- Small businesses- protected them from the big monopolies
Federal Farm Loan Act
- Created 12 federal Land Banks and the farm credit system
- Benefited small farmers and ranchers by providing them with long term loans at low interest rates
17th amendment
- Two senators from each state
- Voted by the people
- Benefited voters and wealth white men
16th amendment
- States that the government has power to lay and collect taxes on income
- July 2, 1909
- Impacts everyone working
- Biggest effect has been to shift the balance of power toward the federal government and away from the states
Recall elections
- Populist provision; political device
- Used to remove an elected official (corrupt) from office before the end of the official’s term by petitions
- This type of election the voters can remove the official from office or replace him or her with another person
- Started around 1912 (Nebraska constitution)
- Benefit voters
Pure Food and Drug Act
- June 30th, 1906 by Roosevelt
- It prohibited interstate transport of contaminated, poisonous, or misbranded food
- If affected how food and drugs were packages, prepared, labeled and sold. This altered way in the manufacturing businesses and how they ran. Which ultimately led to better consumer protection
Federal trade commission act
- 1914
- Outlawed unfair business practices with commerce and competition
- Such as: oppression, fraud, tax evasion, exploitation of cheap labor, and other immoral acts
- Benefited non-trusts (small businesses) as they could more easily go about their business practices without being run out. Also, was beneficial to the commoner as they didn’t have to pay unfair prices on items manufactured by trusts
Mann Elkins Act
- Extended the 1887 interstate commerce act and the authority of the Interstate Commerce Commission to set railroad rates and regulate telecommunications industry
- 1910
- Impacted common Americans
- Railroads were jacking up prices on farmers, so this made the prices fairer and just
Federal reserve’s act
- The Federal reserve’s act gave the ability to print money and ensure economic stability to the 12 federal banks
- December 23rd, 1913
- Benefited banks, businesses and
“The jungle”
- Book by American journalist Upton Sinclair
- Exposed the horrible conditions and lives that immigrants lived in
- Looked into workers’ strike at a Chicago stockyard
- Spoiled and diseased meats in the factory
- Pure food and drug act was passed
- A process that allows citizens to propose amendments by collecting signatures on a petition
- Benefited people of that state because they are able to change the laws if they think it is necessary
Direct Primary
- Robert M. LaFollette (known as “Fighting Bob”) instituted first direct primary in United States
- voters themselves had the power to choose which political candidates would run for office
The meat inspection Act
- It insured that meal was slaughtered, processed, and prepared under sanitary conditions. Also prevented the sale of misbranded liver stick.
- Impacted everyone, but mostly the meal industry because they now had to take more precautions
Supreme Court Act- Muller vs. Oregon
- Women who were working at Muller’s laundry were required to work more than 10 hrs. a day
- Benefited all workers
Hepburn Act
- The Hepburn Act gave the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) the ability to set federal regulations of railroads, meaning free passes were no longer allowed on railroads.
- It impacted Railroad Corporations because the Hepburn Act caused inflation, making them more money.
- It also impacted passengers and shippers in a negative way. They were angry because riding on a train, or shipping on a train now cost more money than before.
Sherman Act
- Clayton act strengthened Sherman act
- Broke up monopolies
Protecting social welfare- part of progressive movement
- Set up settlement houses for poor
- Opened libraries
- Sponsored education classes
- Opened swimming pools
- Set up soup kitchens
- Slum brigades- teach immigrants
- Idea of that we can do better than what we have with capitalism Property and distribution of wealth are determined by the government
- Government owns and controls business
- Elimination of private property, everyone is equal
- Karl Marx- leading figure, Father of communism
Friday: No School