10-29-11-2 US History Notes


We watched videos over politicans in Iowa for background info and who we want to win in Iowa Straw Poll

Then we presented

Tuesday- We voted and then they finished presented.


    • When was it passed? January 29, 1919


  •  Banned the manufacture, sale,
  • and transportation of alcohol- did not prohibit the consumption of pre-bought alcohol  
  •  The amendment was inspired
  • by religious activists (mostly women) who blamed
  • alcohol for violence and other problems in families


  • When was it passed: April 8th, 1913
  • Define what it did: Gave Direct Election for Senators.
  • Americans did not vote directly the first 125 years of Federal Government (chosen by the state legislature)
  • Benefits the people to have the right to vote in their state


  • Put into action in 1789 to pay taxes
  • Gave congress power to lay and collect taxes
  • Benefited the government
  • A general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.
  • 17th Century in New England, they had the ordinances and different laws were on a list at town hall
  • Massachusetts was the very 1st state to hold a statewide legislative referendum in 1778
  • Result in the adoption of a new law.
  • Passed in 1904

In 1903, Oregon passed a law that limited women to 10 hour work days
In 1908, a woman working at Muller’s Laundry was required to work more than 10 hours per day
The Supreme Court heard the case
Curt Muller was in violation of the law- had to pay $10
Who it benefited- all workers

When it was Passed - March 4, 1909


What Did it do - It extended the 1887 Interstate Commerce Act and set the railroad rates and regulate telecommunications industry. It extended the ICC’s jurisdiction so they had to cover the telephone, telegraph, and radio communications. It was passed by William Taft(27th President)

Who it benefited - Customers receiving trades from monopolies.

  • Was passed in 1916 by Woodrow Wilson
  • Created the Farm Credit System to provide farmers and ranchers with long-term loans
  • Permits member banks to make loans secured by mortgages
  • One of the most important measures enacted by congress
  • Passed on June 3, 1906
  • The Act prevented the making, selling, and moving of foods, drugs, liquors, and medicines
  • It was passed to stop everyone from getting poisoned by additives, misbranded, or harmful foods
  • It largely affected meat packing companies
  • Caused the creation of the FDA, prescription slips, and warning labels



  • A process that allows citizens to propose amendments and statutes, usually by collecting signatures on a petition


  • First state to have initiative was South Dakota in 1898


  • The people of the state benefit from initiative because it gives them the ability to change policy and laws if they feel necessary


Admanson Act

-September 2,1916 Woodrow WIlson signed it next day

The Law prevented a major railroad strike

-Impacted the workers

Fedral Trade Commison Act

- It outlaws methods of competitons and outlaws and unfair acts

September 26th 1914

Benefited Small Buisnesses and Consumers

Federal Reserve Act-  Allowed the 12 Federal Reserve Bank to print money

Passed 1913

It benefited everyone to keep their money safe

Sherman Antitrust Act-

It made it so other companies could come in town and city and take over buisnesses with low prices 

Passed July 2nd, 1890- It benefits the towns and cities kept making money for buisness

Underwood Tarriff- It remposed the federal icome tax after the 16th tarriff rates to 40% to 25%

Passed October 3, 1913 passed by Woodrow Wilson and Oscar Underwood

Benefited consumers and buisnesses

 Meat Inspection Act

An American law that it made it a crime misbranded meat sold- Passed in 1906

It benefited the people


19th Amendement- Allowed American Women right to vote- June 4th 1919, benefited women to have right to vote

Keatings Owens Act

- It Stopped the sale of goods from state to state that were produced from children under 14

- December 1918 It benefited the Children have to not work as long

The Progressive Moment it made society better, benefited most people it occured 1890-1920

The Newlands Reclamation Act-

Irrigated the west through series of waterways and dams

June 17th, 1902

Benefited Farmers to have land


This allowed people to have direct vote to remove the elected official from office before term over 25% voters must sign petiton

First happened in 1898 in South Dakota 

It benefited the people to have say

The Clayton Trust Act

Clarified the sherman anti trust act passed in 1914, it benefited average americans didn't have big price acts

Hepburn Act- Passed in June 29, 1906

The Hepburn Act allowed the ICC to regulate prices and fees on railroads were as before the railroad owners would apply their own prices based on what they wantedFought against rebates which gave special deals to big suppliers like steel and oil providers

It helped farmers and people in urban areas were demand for railroad transportation was high

Direct Primary-

Where voters would vote for a canidate to run for their voter, benefited voters and passed 1901-1905






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