8/29 - 9/1


We watched some videos made by people running for congress. Mr. Bruns explained the project to the students that were missing Friday. We went over presentations for the people that were in school Friday.


We voted at the beginning of class. We continued presentations.16th Amendment - Income tax amendment (allows government to tax people on their income)

Referendum in the US- The people vote on something and it becomes law if they feel like someone is doing something wrong in the government. Federal Farm Loan helped make things equal so railroads couldnt take abvantage of farmers. The Pure Food and Drug Act made sure that medicines and foods were safe or banned. (drugs were labled)


We went over the states map to see which states we could name.  We continued our progressive era powerpoint. Initiative was a process that allowed citizens to propose amendments and statues, usually through a petition. Adamson Act- 8 hours of work, 8 hours of laber, 8 hours of recreation. Federal Trade commision Act- Outlawed unfair meathod of competition and unfair acts of practice that effect commerce. Helped small buisnesses. Federal Reserve - Mine. I explained it, trust me I know what it is. Sherman Antitrust act- broke apart trusts. Underwood Tariff- Re-imposed the federal income tax after the 16th amendment and also lowered basic tariff rates from 40% to 25%. Meat inspection act- Made it law that it was a crime to misbrand meat and meat products being sold as food.


We continued our presentations. Keatings Owen Act- Stopprf sale of goods from state to state that were produced in factories by children under the age of 14. This helped so that child labor could be more restricted. The progressive movement made society better. So voting for women, more schooling and less working for children, etc. Recall- allowed people to have a direct vote to remove an elected official from office before their term was over. 25% of voters need to sign a petition. The Clayton Anti-trust act- basically clarified the sherman antitrust act with the purpose being to break apart monopolistic buisnesses. Hepburn act- allowed the ICC to regulate prices on railroads where as before, the railroad owners would apply their own fees. It also got rid of rebates which gave specific deals to certain suppliers like oil or steel. Direct primary- Where voters would vote for a candidate to run for there party in a public elecion. 19th amendment- forbid the federal government from denying the right to vote to U.S. citizens based on gender (allowed American women to vote). Protecting Social Wellfare- Set up settlement houses for the poor. It opened a lot of libraries. They sponsered education classes. They opened swimming pools. They set up soup kitchens. Slum Brigades taught immigrants basic knowledge.



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