10-29 to 11-2

29th - For the first 15 minutes we looked at the canidates for govener and seats in congress for Iowa. We then went over the assignment were were introduced to on Friday. The 18th Amendment banned moving alcohol around the control, it benifited 'everyone' since people couldn't get drunk and helped women keep their men under control. It led to more crime however. The 17th Amendment let the people chose the senators. The 16th Amendment kept taxes from evil. Referendum in the United States allowed for the voting of new laws. The Elkins Act set the railroad rates and regulated the railroad. Muller v. Oregon limited women to 10 hour work days. 

30th - Today we participated in the student mock election. The Federal Farm Loan Act made it easier for farmers in extreme debt to get long loans. The Pure Food and Drug Act prevented the making, selling, and moving of foods, drugs, liquours, and medicines.

31th - Today we looked at the results of the student mock election and Republicans won the polls. We also named all the 50 states for old times sake. Initiative allows for citizens to propse amendments and statutes. The FTC outlawed unfair acts of competition to stop monoplies. The Federal Reserve Act loans money to smaller banks to compensate for times of crisis and people getting all of their money. The Sherman antitrust act made sure monoplies made sure they were fair. The Underwood Tariff lowered basic tariff rates from 40% to 25% so trade was opened up to world trade. The meat inspection act made food higher quality. A muckracker was responsible for making a book to encourage the act due to his experince in a packaging plant.

1st - The Keating Ownes Act stopped the sale of goods from state to state made by students under 14. The Progressive movement was from the 1890s to the 1920s that benifited all the lower class. The Newlands Reclamation Act irrigated the west and invloved 16 states. The recall allows for the citizens to remove an elected official. The Clayton Antitrust Act was designed to break up trusts and was a better Sherman antitrust act. The Hepburn Act allowed for the ICC to regulate prices on railroads and stopped rebates from being given to big companies. The Direct Primary is where the voters get to choose their candidates. The 19th amendment allowed for women to vote. To protect social welfare progressives set up settlement houses for poor, opened libraries, sponsored education classes, opened swimming pools, soup kitchens and slum brigades who taught immigrants.

2nd - No school

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