- Founded by Lacedaemon
- Son of Zeus and Taygete
- Named after daughter of Eurotas
- Wife of Lacedaemon
- First millennium B.C.
- They rose to power because of their militaristic nature of society
- Conquest of Messenia
- Helots
- Nearest thing to a standing army
- Provided protection
- Thought of as a big brother
- Persian War
- Peloponnesian War
- South part of Greece
- Near the Eurotas river
- Cllimate was very hot and cool during the winter and lots of rain
- 3 mountains protected them
Social Classes
- Girls were treated well
- Had freedoms
- If you had no Spartan parents you were considered to be in the middle class
- Men
- astronomers
- Bard- wrote poems
- Farmers
- Magistrates- enforced laws
- Women
- Baker
- Dancer
- Spinner
- Weaver
- Most freedom
- More controlling
- Mentally and physically strong
- Educated
- Physical test at 18 to be a citizen
- Drink wine and eat as much food as wanted
- Married in teens or twenties
- Controlled home when husbands were fighting
- Professional soldiers
- Manual labor done by the slaves
- Strong and fierce
- 3 groups- Spartans-Perioeci-Helots (in that order)
- Wedding
- Chose husband
- Fight ceremony then feast
- 12-15 low as 7
- Divorce
- Father might not want to daughter back
- Leave her husbands home and considered divorce
- Not allowed to hold jobs
- Children stayed with husband
- Could give wife to another man
- Goal was to produce soldiers/citizens
- 7-18 were trained and disciplined
- 6-7 sent to military school
- Taught survival skills
- Very strict
- Marched without shoes
- Physical activities-olympics
- 6-7 went to school
- Taught wrestling, gymnastics, and combat skills for olympics
- 18 we got assigned a husband
- Failures would lose citizen rights and move down in social class
- Soldier is the only occupation for males
- Raised as a soldier
- Uniform contained: helmet, greaves, chestplatex shield, spear, short sword, red cloak
- Rigorous daily training
- Phalanx
- King Leonidas
Spartan Boys
- Took from family at age 7
- Raised as a soldier
- Put into military school
- At age 12 were forced to sleep outside
- At age 20 they'd pass their test
- The conquering of Messenia
- The Peloponnseian War
- The Persian War
- Oligarchy
- Agiad and Eurypontid families
- Dynasties
- First place in all (land)
- Supreme Commander
- Peace-cult and legal issues
- Joint decisions
- Gerousia
- Highest authority
- Council Elders of 28
- Kings involved
- Advisory and legistlation
- Supervised the Government and made legislative proposals
- Criminal matter (dealth penalty)
- Apella
- After military
- Accepted and rejected laws
- Elected ephors, eleders, lower state
- Once a month
- Legislature
- Ephors
- Supervisors of 5
- Oldest were elected
- Elected every year
- Rights to overrule the king
- Accuse anyone
- Ruined prestige of kings
- Controlled private activity (marketplace, kitchen, private women life)
- Sublevels
- Helots: subdued residents of Lakonia and Messania
- Perioikoi: territrory engaged in famring and craftsmand
- Spartiates: Lakedaimonios, residents of Sparta, landowners and warriors
- Peloponnesian Alliance
- Case of war
- Common enemy
- Like UN