


  1. Founded by Lacedaemon
  2. Son of Zeus and Taygete
  3. Named after daughter of Eurotas
  4. Wife of Lacedaemon
  5. First millennium B.C.
  6. They rose to power because of their militaristic nature of society
  7. Conquest of Messenia
  8. Helots
  9. Nearest thing to a standing army
  10. Provided protection
  11. Thought of as a big brother
  12. Persian War
  13. Peloponnesian War


  1. South part of Greece
  2. Near the Eurotas river
  3. Cllimate was very hot and cool during the winter and lots of rain
  4. 3 mountains protected them

Social Classes

  1. Girls were treated well
  2. Had freedoms
  3. If you had no Spartan parents you were considered to be in the middle class


  1. Men
  2. astronomers
  3. Bard- wrote poems
  4. Farmers
  5. Magistrates- enforced laws
  6. Women
  7. Baker
  8. Dancer
  9. Spinner
  10. Weaver


  1. Most freedom
  2. More controlling
  3. Mentally and physically strong
  4. Educated
  5. Physical test at 18 to be a citizen
  6. Drink wine and eat as much food as wanted
  7. Married in teens or twenties
  8. Controlled home when husbands were fighting


  1. Professional soldiers
  2. Manual labor done by the slaves
  3. Strong and fierce
  4. 3 groups- Spartans-Perioeci-Helots (in that order)


  1. Wedding 
  • Chose husband
  • Fight ceremony then feast
  • 12-15 low as 7
  1. Divorce
  • Father might not want to daughter back
  • Leave her husbands home and considered divorce
  • Not allowed to hold jobs
  • Children stayed with husband
  • Could give wife to another man


  • Goal was to produce soldiers/citizens


  • 7-18 were trained and disciplined
  • 6-7 sent to military school
  • Taught survival skills
  • Very strict
  • Marched without shoes
  • Physical activities-olympics


  • 6-7 went to school
  • Taught wrestling, gymnastics, and combat skills for olympics
  • 18 we got assigned a husband
  • Failures would lose citizen rights and move down in social class


  • Soldier is the only occupation for males
  • Raised as a soldier
  • Uniform contained: helmet, greaves, chestplatex shield, spear, short sword, red cloak
  • Rigorous daily training
  • Phalanx
  • King Leonidas

Spartan Boys

  • Took from family at age 7
  • Raised as a soldier
  • Put into military school
  • At age 12 were forced to sleep outside
  • At age 20 they'd pass their test


  • The conquering of Messenia
  • The Peloponnseian War
  • The Persian War


  • Oligarchy 
  • Agiad and Eurypontid families
  • Dynasties
  • First place in all (land)
  • Supreme Commander 
  • Peace-cult and legal issues 
  • Joint decisions
  • Gerousia
  • Highest authority
  • Council Elders of 28
  • Kings involved
  • Advisory and legistlation
  • Supervised the Government and made legislative proposals
  • Criminal matter (dealth penalty)
  • Apella 
  • After military
  • Accepted and rejected laws
  • Elected ephors, eleders, lower state
  • Once a month
  • Legislature
  • Ephors
  • Supervisors of 5
  • Oldest were elected
  • Elected every year
  • Rights to overrule the king
  • Accuse anyone
  • Ruined prestige of kings
  • Controlled private activity (marketplace, kitchen, private women life)
  • Sublevels 
  • Helots: subdued residents of Lakonia and Messania
  • Perioikoi: territrory engaged in famring and craftsmand
  • Spartiates: Lakedaimonios, residents of Sparta, landowners and warriors
  • Peloponnesian Alliance
  • Case of war
  • Common enemy
  • Like UN
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