Monday- We watched a few videos for the Mock Election. Then we went over The Progressive Movement powerpoint.
How did Progressives Benefit:
- Workers
- Women
- Consumers
- Voters
- Farmers
- Small Business
- Banks
- People in general
The Progressive Movement-Political and Social Reform (Women Could Vote)
What types of people made up the Progressives- People who favor Change and Improvment
Muckrakers- Journalist that looked for the problems in society; showed the public.
Newlands Reclamation Act-Mine
Adamson Act- 8 Work day and Pay for overtime (Common)
Underwood Tariff- Reduced Import Fees and created a graducated income tax
18th Amendment- Banned the sales/transportation of alcohol
Initiative- Lets student propose amendments (signatures on petitions)
Referendum-Allows citizens give a direct vote to appeal/approve laws
Clayton Anti-Trust Act-Price discrimination, price fixing, and unfair buisness practices
Keating Owen Child Labor Act- (1916) Prohibited sale of goods produced in factories hired children under 14
Federal Farm Loan Act- Created Federal Land Banks and Farm Credit Systems (Farmers would not recieve loans before this)
16th Amendment- Let the Government lay/collect taxes on incomes
17th Amendment- Made up the Senate (2 from each state) Direct Election (People choose)
Recall- Removed corrupt politicians from office before the end of their term (Impeach)
Mann-Elkins Act- Government stepped in to stop railroads and investigated (Railroad Restrictions)
Pure Food and Drug Act- Prohibited transportation of contaiminated/poisionus/misbranded food and drugs (expiration dates)
Federal Trade Commission Act- Outlawed unfair business practices with commerce and competition
Federal Reserve Act- Banks could borrow money from federal reserve banks (so they would not close)
The Jungle- (Book) Showed the horrible lives and conditions immigrants lived in
Direct primary- People Vote
Hepburn Act-Federal Regulations of Railraods (no free passes)
Muller vs. Oregon- Limited women to ten hour work days
Meat Inspection Act- Insured meat was slaughtered/processed/prepared in sanitary conditions
19th Amendment-
Sherman Anti-Trust Act- Break up Monopolies
Protecting Social Welfare:
- Setting up settlement houses for poor
- Opened libraries
- Sponsored education classes
- Opened swimming pools
- Set up soup kitchens
- Slum brigades- teach immigrants (Women would educate them)
- Social or Economic System
- Property and distribution of wealth are determined by government
- Government owns and control business'
- Elimination of prive property- everyone is equal
- Karl Marx-
- Leading Figure
- Father of Communism
Friday- No School