Monday -
Sparta Presentation
History (Founded by Lacedaemon
Rise to power was because of militaristic nature
Geography (South part of grece, close to river, very hot during summer, mountains protected)
Social Classes (Women were treated good)
Jobs (lots of jobs for both genders)
Women (strong, educated, drink and eat a lot)
Spartons were the top, Perioeci, then Helots
Divorce can be from both
Tuesday -
Produce soldier citizens (trained very young, and very rough training even for kids, had to go to school, schooling was tough for all)
Wednesday -
Sparta Presentation
Military and wars (Soldier is really only occupation for males, raised as soldier)
Boys (taken from the family at the age of seven, at 12 forced to sleep outside, at 20 boys would pass all there tests)
Government (many different types of government)
Thursday -
Athletics (olympics, hunting)
Phalanx Video
Friday -