Monday: Watched political videos & went over progressive era
Tuesday: voted & went over progressive era
Wednesday/Thursday: went over progressive era
Monday: Watched political videos & went over progressive era
Tuesday: voted & went over progressive era
Wednesday/Thursday: went over progressive era
Monday-start to go over Canada map. Go over third parties. the big current event is that people need to get out and vote tommorrow.
Tuesday-go over canada map. voting day. Political systems project. Anarchy and mixed economy.
Wednesday-go over canada
11/5/18-Today we went over the Canada map, daily news, and finished the third pary projects
11/6/18-Today we went over the Canada map again, we talked about the election going on today, and about our group projects we will be starting
11/7/18-Today tal
Iowa’s senators
Women’s role in progressive Era
Monday - Continued on the Chapter 9 PowerPoint
- Social or Economic system
- Property and distribution of wealth are determined by the government
- Government owns and controls business’
- Elimination of private property, everyone is equal
Limiting Working Hours
We reviewed some information
Joni Ernst and Charles Grassley are Iowa Senators
Women were second class citizens
Women's Role in Progressive
Monday- Took Notes over Chapter 9 Notes
Tuesday- Took more notes Notes
Wednesday- Talked about the voting that took place Tuesday
Thursday- Took notes over chapter 10 Notes
Friday- Started working on our Project. Project
link: ;
We watched a video
Sparta finished there project
Monday- lost notes, (didn't save new blog)
Monday - sick
tuesday - sick
Wendsday -
17th amendement:
Federal farm loan act:
We voted today
Did more of the sparta power point
Monday- We watched a few videos for the Mock Election. Then we went over The Progressive Movement powerpoint.
How did Progressives Benefit:
The Progressive Movement-Political and So
18th Ammendment prohibited the transportation, creation, and selling of alcohol.
Initiative- A process that allows citizens to propose amendments by collecting signatures on a petition.
When Did it start- The first state to adopt the initiative was S