Weekly Blogs 10/29-11/2

MONDAY- Sparta presentation


-founded by Lacedaemon (son of Zeus)

-Sparta was named after daughter of Eurotas

-first millennium BC

Rise to Power

-conquest of Messenia

-Militaristics nature of society

-provided nearest things to standing army

-provided protection known as "big brother"

-Persian War


-South part of Greece (Peloponnese Region)

-close to region (water & growing crops)

-Cimate was hot and dry (winter was raining and little bit of snow)

-3 borders to keep it from keeping people coming in

Mt. Parnon, Mt. Arcadian, & Mt. Taygetus

Social Classes

Spartitates - born in Sparta and lowned land and tull time soldiers

Perioci - middle class citizens (merchants) no legal protection

Helots- slaves (couldn't get out) bottom class, couldn't own land, vote, go into army

Men - astronomer, bard (wrote poetry) , farmers, magistrate (officers)

Women - baker, dancer, spinner, weaver (wove material using warp weighted looms

TUESDAY- early out


-produce soldier citizens

-males were strict, they trained, marched, taught survival skills

-females -went to school, assigned a husband, similar to guys


Military & Wars

-only could be a soldier (raised & had uniform) hard daily training

-King Leonidas were their king

Spartan Boys

-took from family at age 7

-military programs


Peloponnesian War -Sparta vs Athens (Sparta won)

Persians War - persia tried to invade greece (Sparta won)

The conquering of Messenia - Sparta conquered a contry near them  (slaves)


-Monarchy (Kings) - Oligarchy - Democracy

Oligarchy (ruled by 2 kings)


-supreme commander

-joint decisons 

-peace cult and legal issues

Gerousia (Oligarchy)

-Spartan State

-hightest authority

-council elders

-29 gerontocrats 

-Kings involved

-Advisory & Legislation 

Criminal Matter (death penalty)


-after military (30 years of age and older)

-once a month (legislature)

-elected ephors, elders, lower state

-accepted and rejected laws 



-5 total

-controlled private life of monarchs

-accuse anyone 

-rights to overrule kings if no agreement

-elected every year

Peloponnesian Alliance 

-common enemy

-case of war

THURSDAY- early out 


Athletics -training, competed in lots of events, competed in nude

Hunting - material/food

Animals - pigs, wild boars, sheep, goats, rabbits

Art & Pottery

-bronze showed evolution

-ivory carving

-tithes and offerings to God

-4 poets (singing and dancing)

FRIDAY- no school

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