Monday - researched for presentation
Tuesday - another work day
Wednesday - presentations
Thursday - presentations
Friday - Presentations
Notes -
Monday - researched for presentation
Tuesday - another work day
Wednesday - presentations
Thursday - presentations
Friday - Presentations
Notes -
Monday- Researched for our project- Pancho Villa
Tuesday- Reasearched more on our project
Wednesday- Started presenting porjects- Notes
Thursday- Presented my project on Pancho Villa
Friday- Went over presentations about-The assassination of William M
Monday- Presentation Work Day
Tuesday- Presentation Work Day
Wednesday- Presenttions Started
Group 1
Aquring Alaska and Hawaii-
M O N D A Y -
Work day
T U E S D A Y -
Work day
W E D N E S D A Y -
Spanish American War-
Monday- workday for presentations
Tuesday- canada map test, and workday for presentations
Monday - Tuesday : worked on presentations
Wednesday -
Acuiring Alsaska
why it is go
Monday- Work day for project
Tuesday- final work day for project
Spanish American War
-Causes of the War
- Yellow Journalism american newspaper lied to the americans
- Americans felt bad for Cuba and helped them out
- General Weyler and his conce
Monday- Presentation Work Day
Tuesday- Presentation Work Day
Wednesday- Presenttions Started
Group 1
Aquring Alaska and Hawaii-
11/12 &11/13-- notes
Work on Project
Work on Project
We watched presentations
Causes of war- Yellow Journalism- The American Newspaper lied to Americans about what was going on during the war. It swayed people to want to go to war with Spain because
A philosopher is someone who tries to explain the nature of life, after losing to Sparta in the Peloponnesian War, people in Athens turned to philosophers for answers.
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
Socrates- 470-399 BC, He taught by asking question
Rise of the Philosophers
- A philosopher is someone who tries to explain the nature of life
-After losing to Sparta in the Peloponnesian War, people in Athens turned to philosophers for answers
-Socrates, Plato, & Aristotle
Socrates 470-399 BC
Monday -
Rise of the Philosophers
A phillosopher is someone who tries to explain the nature of life, after losing to sparta in the peloponnesian war, people in athens turned to philosophers for answers, socrates, plato, and aristotle
Socrates 470-399 B
Monday-go over canada map. work on presentations
Tuesday-canada map test and work on presentations
Wednesday-start presenting
absolute monarchy-ruled by one person-what they say goes.
constitutional monarchy-a system of government that is ruled
11/12/18-Today we talked about our forum post leaders, and did the class quizz for the Northern part of Canada, and worked on our group projects
11/13/18-Today we worked on our group projects and had the Canada Map test
11/14/18-Today we started out g
Monday: work on presentation
Tuesday: work on presentation
Acquiring Alaska and Hawaii/ Roosevelt’s Nobel Peace Prize