11/12/18 - 11/16/18


Work on Project


Work on Project


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Causes of war- Yellow Journalism- The American Newspaper lied to Americans about what was going on during the war. It swayed people to want to go to war with Spain because it stretched the truth. America felt bad for Cuba because they were trying to gain independence from Spain. General Weyler sent thousands of Cubans to concentration camps. A U.S. Warship also exploded that was meant to help Americans in Cuba. After this, the U.S. declared war on Spain. The Yellow Press blamed Spain for it even though they did not, which made Americans want to go to war with Spain. Cuban trade began to decrease, and because America was very invested in Cuban buisnesses, this became a problem to the U.S. . Battle of Kettle Hill- Goal was to capture Santiago de Cuba and it was the last obstacle of the war. The hill had a strong blockhouse. Rough Riders- Group of Polo players, hunters, cowboys, Native Americans, and Athletes. All these people would go to war and help efforts. Theodore Roosevelt helped round up these tough guys to go to war. Results of the War- The U.S. won the war and we ended up getting Puerto Rico out of it. We didn't own Cuba, but we were like a mother country to them. Theodore Roosevelt called the war a "splendid little war" because we got a lot of land out of it, there were minimal casualties, and it didnt cost alot. As a result of the war, Hawaii was also annexed and joined the U.S. . Mckinley was considered a coward because he did not want to go to war with other countries. De Lome Letter- The Spanish Ambassador criticized Mckenley saying he is weak.


We watched presentations

What started Woodrow Wilson's forreign policy? - He saw little interest in foreign affairs when he got into office. Missionary Diplomacy- Pres Wilson denied any recognition of any Latin American countrie that were veiwed as hostile but he wanted to help the non hostile countries on a christian based term. He had a "you be good to us we be good to you" type of vibe. Big Stick diplomacy- "Speak softly and carry a big stick." International negotiationg backed by the threat of force.Big stick was meant to repreent the U.S. and our Military / Navy. Dollar Diplomacy- A form of AMerican foreign policy to further its aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by garenteeing loans made to foreign countries. In other words, instead of bombing other countries, we loan money to other countries so they are in debt to us, and we make more money off these countriews and amost control them. The Roosevelt Corollary- It was in addition to the Monroe Doctorine- Alerica was telling Europe to stay out of Latin America. Europe would be mad that Latin American countries would not pay them what they had loaned Latin America in the past, so Europe would go straight to Latin America and force them to pay.


How we got the panama canal- railroad was the only thing connecting the oceans in Panama. Railroad was destroed by the Chagres river. The French tried to build the canal but lost too many lives and gave up on the expidition and gave all the equipment to columbia as of there agreement. In short, it was too expensive, and the people building kept catching disease. SO America decides to jump in and wants to build the panama canal instead. BUT, the Latin Countries didnt want them to because America was always medeling in their buisness. 


How did the US Get the Panama Canal? (- US bought it from France but Columbia didnt want the US to have it. Then the US sent ships to threaten them into submission) Why did we want a canal? (-Saves time and money) What were the problems with the canal?

Mckinley- enlisted in the Union Armmy in the Civil War and later earned the title of Brevent. He studied Law and opened his own practive in Ohio. His wife got sick and he patiently cared for her, after she died, he won the people's praise for his love for his wife. He became a republican president. in 1900 Mckinley ran again and one the reelection. Mckinley was very imperialistic and said he wanted to continue taking over more countries. The following day of his reelection, he was shot and killed. Mckinleys Assassinator- Leon Czolgosz. 1893 he worked in a wire mill in Clevland until he got fired because he tried to strike but the strike failed. He later got his job back under a different name. After this, he began  to hate capitalism, which is the harder you work, the more money you make, but many people couldnt get that money no matter how hard they worked because the people with the most money made it so hard. He joined an anarchist group. He heard Mckinley would be in New York so he rented a room and when he went to shake Mckinley's hand, he had a gun hidden and shot him twice. Mckinely died 8 days later. Czolgosz Killed the pres. because he supported anarchist ideologies and beleived Mckinley was the cause of what he beleived to be a curropt government and wanted to "help" the working class.


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