11/12 - 11/16

Monday - 

Rise of the Philosophers

A phillosopher is someone who tries to explain the nature of life, after losing to sparta in the peloponnesian war, people in athens turned to philosophers for answers, socrates, plato, and aristotle

Socrates 470-399 BC (spcrates was a philosopher of ancient greece, socrates taught by asking questions, this method of questioning is still called the socratic method, put on trial and found guilty for "currupting the youth of athens" death by hemlock, "there is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance"

Plato 427-347 BC (Plato was a student of socrates, he started a school called the academy that lasted 900 years, wrote the republic, the book talked about a perfectly governed society not a democracy, the person with the most intelligence would be king

Aristotle 384-322 BC (Aristotle was a student of plato, he wrote about science, art, law, poetry, government, taught alexander the great, "He who studies how things originated will achieve the clearest view of them"

Alexander's Empire

Macedonians (lived in mountainous villages, macedonians considered themselves to be greek but were looked down upon by the big cities, philip ll built up his military and eventually invaded and defeated the greek city-states, used the phalanx and cavalry to great effect

goal was to take over all of greece and then to get revenge by taking iver the persian empire

Defeated athens and thebes at the battle of chaeronea in 338 BC ending a ten year war and bringing peace to greece, established a federation of greek states known as the league of corinth with hom as the elected as commander in cheif, philip planned the invasion of the persian empire but was assassinated, assassinated at his daughter's wedding by a former bodygaurd, Pausanias

Therories - offended by attalus (uncle of philip's wife) this was aristotle's account

 - Jealously, rape and revenge on attalus- this was cleitarchus' account

Tuesday - 

Philip's son alexander was involved- this was justin's account (Roman Empire)

Alexander the Great (Took over for his father, philip, in 336 BC, ruled greece empire for only 13 years (336-323 Bc), Due to his great accomplishments, become known as alexander the great, Taught by Aristotle, undefeated in battle, his goal was to reach the "ends of the world and the Great Outer Sea")

After taking power, alexander eliminated his opponents to the throne and then moved to consolidated Greece, Alexander then turned east to take over the Persian Empire and achieve the goal of his father, after losing some battles, Darius 3rd retreated quickly and offered alexander all lands west of the Euphrates River and $$ for his family

Alexander the great refused Darius the 3rd's offer and announced he would take the entire Perian Empire, In 322 BC, alexander the great moved into Egypt and "liberated" Egypt from the Persians, after conquering Egypt, alexander moved into Mesopotamia and finished the job of defeating Darius the 3rd and Persians, the capital city of the persian empire, persepolis, was looted burned by alexander as possible revenge for the persians burn, alexander would contne eat into india where he eventually ran into a strong indian army, his troops were tired-fighting for 11 years and travled more than 11,000 miles, even after defeating the indian army in a battle, the monsoons of india were having an impact and alexander were having an imoact and alexander agreed to turn back west

alexander then died from disease not long after, possibly from tyhoid fever or malaria, some say he was poisoned and never made it back to greece

Alexander the greats Legacy (Greek empire split into three sections

 - Greek city-states led b Antigonus

 - Egypt led by Ptolemy

 - Former Persian Empire ruled by Seleucus

Wednesday - 

The Spread of Hellenistic Culture (Hellenic 510-323 BCE vs Hellenistic 323-146 BCE, hellenistic culture became common all throughout the Greek Empire, Greek, Egyptian, persian and indian culture mixed, Language-Koine, trade, cities, science and technology, Philosophy, art, and architecture

Mathmatics (euclid established geometry, archimedes estimated tha value of pi and the law of the lever

Thursday - 


Friday - 


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